10. Carnival

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"ARE YOU GUYS READY?" hoseok said yelling from downstairs. "Hey that's my job....ARE YOU GUYS READY?" jin said shouting the last words and hoseok just rolled his eyes at him.

Everyone was officially down stairs as for jimin and jungkook were fighting for the last bag of chips. "IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME THAT RIGHT NOW! I'LL SNAP YOUR HEAD OFF!" jungkook say's as he terrified jimin but obviously jimin wouldn't even give 2 damn's about that, he will still keep fighting. "WHO CARES I'LL MAKE SURE I PAY SOMEONE TO SNAP YOURS TOO BEFORE YOU SNAP MINE" jimin screams as namjoon goes over there and rips them bag. "NAMJOON!!" jimin and jungkook say's with a mad expression as namjoon just shruggs and walks away as they all finally have peace and quiet instead of hearing the 2 younger ones yelling for a bag of chips that they could of shared but no, they decided to fight over it.

"you guy's ready?" jin say's as everyone nods. they finally head into the car and get everything ready.

They're going to a festival which meaning they had to pack for everything!. "Jimin can you pass me a water?" taehyung say's as jimin nods and passes the water to him. "this hat looks nice on you hobi" yoongi say's putting the hat on hoseok. "ohh yoongi! thank you my bro" hoseok say's smiling as yoongi blushed but that's how he is. he might look like he doesn't care but that's because yoongi has a bit of trouble showing affection but he does like to show it
or do feel affection. He's very warm hearted.

"Turn left" namjoon say's as the jin is driving. "lot's of traffic, careful jin" yoongi say's. "i will. don't worry" jin say's with a smile. jin and yoongi's friendship is like old school but they care a lot even if it's a small simple talk. As all the traffic was going and passing they finally got to the festival as they looked for parking but it was hard. Jin kept looking and looking on till there was finally one parking. "Finally!!" jin say's with big sigh.

Jin got done parking as everyone got off and grabbed their bags. "nothing is left right?" hoseok say's as everyone realized and took the chance to look again. "i almost forgot my blanket!"namjoon say's as they got a vip section for them meaning they got a little house area to be in and enjoy the performance's but knowing the boy's they will definitely be outside in the barricade.

"wow! my very first festival!" jungkook say's
jumping. "i thought it was you're second?" jin say's as he was confused if it was jungkook or somebody else but finally hoseok spoke. "no it's his first, mine is gonna be my second" hoseok say's as jin's mouth goes into an 'O' shape. They finally wait for about an hour to get to the security and get their bags checked but made it! as they all fun to their vip section. "JIMIN! RACE YOU!" taehyung say's as jimin rolled his eyes and goes running to catch up taehyung before he loses. "I'M CATCHING UP!" jimin shout's as taehyung trys to run more quick. Taehyung and jimin are like soulmates so it's very common for them to scream and do things like this rather than the others.

"what are you writing?" namjoon say's as he puts his right arm on yoongi's shoulders. "nothing just some small little doodles" yoongi say's as he shows namjoon. "cool! artist i see" namjoon smiles as yoongi nods as a no. " i wish but i'm not that good." yoongi say's but he likes the compliment. "don't lie min yoongi, you're an artist a very good one. stop discrediting yourself." namjoon say's as yoongi looks down to the ground knowing that is true. He discredits himself a lot without realization. Yoongi sometimes hates his guts for not seeing what other people say that are true but he fakes it. he fakes it like if it's not true even if he likes the truth but he fakes it.

"you okay?" namjoon say's seeing yoongi face looks worried instead of happy. "yeah. yeah i'm all good just thinking" yoongi say's as namjoon sighs. "no thinking! hyung's shouldn't even think!" namjoon say's as namjoon is right, he shouldn't think he should be happy and especially happy for this festival!. "come on!" namjoon say's as he runs and opens the door for them all except for taehyung and jimin who are inside already.

Everyone was finally settling everything down as for the people outside as well. "anyone want a drink?" taehyung say's as everyone raised their hands. "I'll come with you" yoongi say's to help out.  "me too" jungkook say's. "count me in" hoseok say's as they fonally head out were the drinks and food where at. "You fat bitch" a lady say's as she throws her nachos at the girl. "over here guys" yoongi say's as they turn to yoongi and head in yoongi's way since they didn't wanna get into that drama that those two lady's had.

Festival's are fun but they can be mean and scary at the same time. You never know when something can happen due to the music and everyone's body rubbing each other as you dance or stay still hut cheering the singers. "I want a beer" jungkook say's as yoongi nods. "Should we just get beers?" taehyung say's expect for yoongi. "no ima get a coke, it's to hot" yoongi say's as taehyung nods and order's 5 beers and yoongi get's a soda. Each of them hold two and jungkook one which was his own drink. They all were talking about their day's and weeks especially on who there excited to see while they walked to the place.


"YOU DUMMY!" jin say's pushing namjoon while jimin was laughing at the mess namjoon made with the cream. "not my fault! someone didn't even close it right" namjoon say's as he also laughs with jimin. "whatever" jin say's rolling his eyes as he cleans it up the mess before the boys get back."

"who's performing right now?" jimin say's as he's looking out the windwo. "usher" namjoon say's as jimin eyes widen. "REALLY!? I CAN'T SEE HIM!" jimin say's as he runs to the door but he hears namjoon laughing as he turns with a weird face as he say's "what you laughing about?" namjoon was laughing and couldn't stop on till jimin noticed that he lied. "wow.." jimin say's. "you... you- you should of been you're face" namjoon say's laughing as jimin flips him off. "thank you for flipping him off, the one performing is sunmi" jin say's "thank you! why can't you be like jin" jimin say's as looking at the window.

"Were here!" taehyung say's as everyone get's their drinks. Everyone has their drinks and head put as they hear the artist and have a blast.

They all are enjoying each other's company as they dance and cheer on the singers. This was the moment and they all needed for a long time! this was definitely their time and day to have fun and feel like it's like the teenage years but still having everything inside of you and feel like you're in the clouds. the 7 boys dance and cheer even ate something as they waited. The fun they needed was back once again.

"YEAH! GET IT JK!!!" they all hyped up jungkook as he was dancing and feeling the music. They felt alive and yet ready to get wasted but not to much since they had to drive but it felt like the old times again.



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i'm back😈. Might remake this story but for now enjoy! also this isn't done yet. festival pt2 will come out in some time but definitely not long. This is festival pt1, wonder what can festival pt2 be??👀

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