Hair and Colors (London)

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Bonjour! (and yes, I have heard all the "London should Go to London because she speaks french" jokes. I wasn't BORN in France. I haven't even been there. I just learn french on Duolingo for fun.)

Ok, confession time. I know NOTHING about fashion. But if you've read my page in The Life Hacks book, you know I know A LOT about hair. That's because I was cursed with long, thick, fragile hair. So I know A LOT about hair. And color. For some reason, the same way I can taste and feel a word (Flutter tastes like cotton candy and feels like feathers in my stomach in case you're interested.) I LOVE COLORS! How they feel, how they can be changed with a quick swirl of purple or white or blue, and how they stand out or fade in, I LOVE THEM!!! I can kinda feel emotions coming from them, which is ridiculous. For instance, I see a yellow sundress, I feel like when you first get into the ocean and its cold but it feels so good and the seaweed is snaking around your ankles and the water is playfully lapping at your feet and... Sorry I got off track. Anyhoo, I will be showing pics of different hairstyles, and colors that go together and what certain dresses give off what emotion. (Also do I have to say We don't own any of the pictures on here?)


This one is ridiculously complicated and gives me wedding/Rapunzel vibes but I thought I might put it in here even if NO ONE can do this

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This one is ridiculously complicated and gives me wedding/Rapunzel vibes but I thought I might put it in here even if NO ONE can do this.

This one is ridiculously complicated and gives me wedding/Rapunzel vibes but I thought I might put it in here even if NO ONE can do this

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People might say this is overdone, but a french braid is practical and cute, and when you take your hair out of it your hair is wavy.

People might say this is overdone, but a french braid is practical and cute, and when you take your hair out of it your hair is wavy

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