The Initial Voyage

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Leafy POV

We had boarded Teardrop's ship two weeks ago. After X stole our rudder, we floated for a while, until TD found us. We joined her crew. I was on watch. I couldn't see anything but water. From the deck, Firey shouted up, "Ya see anything?"

"Nope," I replied, climbing down the mast. "Just water." Firey put his mop in the bucket. "Just like always. I wish there would be something once in a while," he sighed.

Teardrop walked over. 'What's up with you?' (AN: If the dialogue is in 'these marks', it's TD signing.)

"Nothing. Just water, by the way."


She walked back to her cabin. I went to the galley to make dinner. I was making cheese source when I heard a scream coming from TD's cabin.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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