Chapter 7: Enter the Whirlpool

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"Internal thought"

"Kyubi Speech"

Naruto was the last to meet his team at the gate as he decided to stop and get a new set of clothes. Since it was his first mission outside the village he needed something more shinobi like.

He now wore a blue turtle neck with whirlpool symbols on the shoulders similar to the one Kakashi wore under his flack jacket.

He also wore a black sleeveless Hoodie over the turle neck with black pants and blue ninja sandals.

He also had blue fingerless gloves with metal plates on the knuckles and white tape around his wrist and ankles.

"Took you long enough, why are you wearing those clothes" questioned the pink haired kunoichi.

"Aw what's the matter Sakura-chan, you miss your knight in shining orange already?" He teased.

"Sh-sh-ut up you idiot, as if" she retorted as she quickly looked away hiding a blush from embarrassment. ( not romantic feelings)

Laughing at her reaction

Kakashi went through the final cheaklist and the team head out towards the land of waves.

It was half a days journey so they decided to get know each other.

Mainly Sakura who was asking Tazuna a million questions about wave.

Naruto decided to ask Kakashi about something that's been on his mind every since he heard where they were headed.

"Hey Kakashi sensei how long is this mission going to take" Asked the blonde.

"Well the mission parameters suggest at least 2 weeks but if you packed correctly, it's possible that we could be gone up to a month. Why do you ask?"

"Well if we have time afterwards, do you think we can make a little detour?"Asked the blonde.

Kakashi thought about it until he concluded "You want to check out the ruins of Uzushio in the next land over huh?" Asked the scarecrow like jonin and he nodded.

"Well let's focus on the mission first, I'll send word to lord Hokage later. I'm sure he'll have no problem with it."

They continue waking for a bit until they came across a puddle. Thinking nothing of it at first he continued until he noticed the skeptical look Kakashi briefly gave it.

He decretly expanded his senses and noticed there were 2 chakra signatures in the puddle.

He looked towards Kakashi who just gave him an eye smile and continued walking. Not really understanding his intentions, he trusted his sensei regardless. He himself could vouch for the man's strength.

Although to his surprise, suddenly a chain made of shuriken wrapped around Kakashi as two figures rose from the puddle.

The two figures pulled their respective ends, seemingly ripping their target to shreds.

They ran for Naruto next but Sasuke expertly threw some kunai and shuriken that pinned their chain to a tree trapping them both.

Both mist shinobi then detach the chain that was connected to their gauntlets as one raced towards Naruto while the other headed for Tazuna.

Sakura pulled out a kunai while she stood in front of Tazuna, ready to defend him with her life.

Both Sasuke and Naruto simultaneously disappeared. Naruto appeared behind the chunin headed for Tazuna with a kunai to his throat.

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