10. relief

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Friend by Aryan shah

song:⇣➙ Friend by Aryan shah

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FUCK. IT HURTS LIKE A bitch. I groan in distress and wince looking down the pipe that is connected to the blood plastic bag. "Fanculo."I hiss glancing down my right hand, my palm and forearm are bandaged covering me up for good. I sigh, for sure I look like a half mummy.

I glance out of the window taking in fresh breaths of air. The only sight of my calmness and I am somehow grateful to the person who allowed me to have this room. The door silently opens forcing me to turn and look at the invader. The nurse's eyes pop out when she looks at me and squeaks, "Good morning."

I solemnly nodded my head. "Call the doctor."

"Right away." She hurriedly leaves as if the fire is radiating behind me. I roll my eyes at her over-dramatic motion.

After a few minutes, the door again opened and finally, Dr. Russo arrives. She gives me a small smile and walks toward me. She bends a little to kiss my forehead. "I thought you will be needing more than a week to wake up." This is my turn to widen my eyes.

"A week?" She nods her head smiling sadly and quickly examine the monitors behind me.

"Thank God. At the right time, we got the blood donor and gave it to you." My eyes furrowed in confusion.

"Blood donor?"

"Yes, blood donor. The 'O positive' blood group was finished last week so we had to have a donor." I just bob my head.

"And may I ask who that person is?"

"The new guy you welcomed into your house."

Aristide. But why him?

It's kind of confusing to even understand the motives behind his every word.

"Even he was the one to request for such a spacious room where you are surrounded by greenery. We have three such rooms which face the side of trees. It's kind of shocking he observes more than your own family. I still remember the last month when you turned claustrophobic as there were only two windows." I clutch the fabric of the bed sheet tight.

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