A Criminal's Mind- Serial Killer Part 2b

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                                          Chapter 2

As the bartender leaves he his shocked by what he was seeing.He franticly calls 9-1-1."Hurry get here i just founded a dead body outside my bar!" As the police get there they had to make this decision "This looks like the work of a serial killer.We should probably call the FBI in on this."

                            At the BAU (Behavirial Analysis Unit)

Ring Ring!!! "Hello this is SSA Arron Hotchner of the FBI how can i help you?" "Umm this is the police dept. in Boise, Idaho.I was wondering if you guys could help us on a case?"  "Well whats the problem?"  "Well last night we found a body outside one of our bars.This is the first body but this girl was shot in the head, burried in leaves, and we found DNA on the victum but we couldn't trace it."  "Are you sure it was the act of a serial killer, because if not then chances are we won't help you."  "For sure,it sure wasnt an accident."  "Okay we're on it."  "Thankyou soo much when will you guys be here."  "Tommorow and your welcome bye."  "Bye." As Hotchner sees his squad he says "Looks like we're going to Idaho."

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