-Say goodbye- (sope)

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🎵 say goodbye - kim nayoung

just sope breaking up

Third person's pov

Yoongi was speeding through the empty roads, loud bass music blasting the confined space of his old car.

He had all the time in the world to get to the said university where his boyfriend was studying, but he couldn't really contain the excitement of seeing the latter. After so many days.

Min Yoongi was a 24 year old music producer in one of the biggest companies, hybe. He was escorted as an employee to the company the day after he had graduated from college.

But, unfortunately, that was the last day of his freedom. Producing hit songs gave him a lot of advantages, but came with it were disadvantages.

The disadvantage being, no time for his boyfriend.

Giving back to back hits, Yoongi barely had time for his boyfriend. Dates got canceled, their alone time got reduced and for most of the days Yoongi just slept in his studio.

Finally completing his new song for a girl group, Yoongi had got his desired free time.

A month's vacation.

He had planned it all. Just for his boyfriend.

Driving through, he had finally reached his destination. Seoul university. Parking his car, Yoongi got down, his shades resting on his forehead--for the sake of fashion.

Locking his car, he walked inside and stood by the main entrance, his keys, wallet and phone on the clutch of his slender fingers.

"Yoon?" a tired voice called him, gaining all of his attention. Turning around, his gaze finally fell on the tall male.

"Seokseok!!" with a shrill exclamation, Yoongi lunged forward, hugging the life out of his very shocked boyfriend.

"I'm sweaty!" the latter pushed him away whining about how icky he was.

"Let's go," Yoongi took his bag away from him and started walking ahead of him, slightly hopping on his steps.

"why--why are you here?" Hoseok asked skeptically. He really didn't think Yoongi would come here, not with how busy the elder had been in the past few months.

"To pick you up!!" there was excitement in Yoongi's voice which didn't go unnoticed by Hoseok. It only had his stomach churning uneasily.

The two of them got into Yoongi's car. The moment the two had hopped inside, Yoongi pulled his boyfriend into a very needy kiss.

Both of their lips slotting against the other perfectly. Yoongi nudged the brunette's lips with the tip of his tongue seeking permission, which the younger obliged to happily.

Hoseok noticed how Yoongi's pillow lips felts against his. How it felt like a missing puzzle piece, fitting on his perfectly. He liked how the elder's hair felt in his tight grip. But why did he have to notice it only now?

The two eventually pulled away since their lungs burned for some oxygen. Heaving heavy breaths, Yoongi started the car, driving to their shares apartment very excitedly.

"How was class, Hoba?~" the mint haired elder sing songed switching between the gears as he accelerated.

"T'was good, hyung. Been practicing for a competition," Hoseok didn't look at Yoongi, his eyes solely fixed on the moving scenery outside the window.

Maybe he's tired. Yoongi reasoned with himself.

The rest of the ride went a little okay. The two had caught up on each other's life as if they were friends meeting after years and not boyfriends who were meeting after a few days.

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