Dope Lovers

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"when I live you're dying; he doesn't know she's tired"

Me and Lucy have been best friends since we were little. we grew up neighbors and always have been close that was until Lewis came into the picture. she met Lewis in high school, he was the bad boy that every girl wanted including Lucy. for some ungodly reason Lewis wanted Lucy as well but he was playing hard to get with her, making her follow him around like a lost puppy looking for love until high school graduation when I was about to leave for Seoul, he asked her out.

I have been in Seoul for the last 5 years only visiting home once a year, Christmas. I see her and she looks happy cause when I smile at her she always smiles back. I decided to come back early and right now I'm with my best friend dabin since he wanted to come with me to visit my hometown. were walking around the shopping center when someone speed walks past me and I quickly realize that its Lucy so I try to catch up with her and I grab her hand before she gets into her car.

"Lucy hey" she turns her head and her appearance makes me almost sick. she has lost way to much weight, skin and bones, you can tell she has gotten plastic surgery because her once perfect nose is now messed up from whatever she got done to her face, she has so much makeup covering her face up. "Oh hey Ian its been awhile I need to leave but we should catch up just text me" and she gets in her car and drives away.

I text her and we meet up at the fish and chips place we always went to after school before Lewis stepped into the picture. she walks in with big sunglasses covering her face and has long sleeves on. she sits down in front of me but doesn't take off her sunglasses. "are you going to take the sunglasses off its not that bright in here" she hesitates but slowly takes them off showing a bruise under her right eye that she tried to cover up with makeup. 

"Lucy what happened" "its nothing Ian just something happened nothing to worry about" she laughs it off but I make a mental note for later and we enjoy our food. we get to talking about everything we have missed in each other lives and her phone keeps ringing but she keeps hitting decline until the next time it rings "do you need to get that" "no its fine" and I shrug and we continue talking. 

We hug and I send her on her way and I leave to go to my mums house and I get in and my mother is sitting talking to dabin and I sit down and dabin turns to ask me a question "how was Lucy" my mother widens her eyes "you saw her, she is never out she is always at that house with Lewis hes got a hold on her" my eyes are now wide realizing that bruise came from him so I quickly rush out the door mad a myself for not realizing sooner and heading to the house that she has lived in since she moved out. 

I pull up only seeing her car guessing he has already left. I get out and run to the front door twisting the knob but its not opening so I bang on the door trying to get her to open up when I hear a loud gunshot. I kick the door until it eventually breaks down and I run around the house trying to find her stepping on needles when I see a closed door and I open it seeing Lucy laying in a filled bathtub soaked in her own blood with a gun floating in the water and a bullet wound on the side of her head.

I lay a white rose on her casket with a few tears falling on the casket with the rose. I try my best to keep it together while the funeral goes on with dabin rests is hand on my shoulder comforting me and my mum holding me. after the funeral I was the last one to walk past someone bend over and I walk to the side of them and its Lewis shooting up drugs.

I slap it out his hand and he looks up at me with anger. "why did you do that for" I get up in his face and in fiery rage I yell "you are at you're girlfriends funeral and you couldn't wait to get a fix until you leave" and I punched him on repeat until his face his covered in blood and he slides down on the tree to the ground. 

I turn around and walk to my car with a smile on my face finally releasing some stress from the past week. 

here ya go :) -jess

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