AsaNoya~ Fatal love

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Noya's POV:

I was practasing rolling thunder with Tanaka until daichi, suga, kiyoko and asahi walked in. Tanaka was all over Kiyoko as soon as she walked in but when i saw Asahi i ran and jumped into his arms and hugged for what felt like hours until coach Uki jabbed me hard in the rib.

"OW what was that for!" i said putting on a over dramatic voice.

"stop hugging and pratice!!!!"

i jumped of Asahi and dragged him to where i was training so i could show him my rolling thunder that i had been practacing.

"Woah that was really good baby"

I blushed at the name but waved it of as kagayama and hinata started arguing.

Couch Uki got us all in a line after slapping kagayama and hinata on the back of the head so we could start practice. There was a big game coming up and we were playing agaisnt Aoba Johsai again and we all wanted to win.. well mabye not tskui he really didnt care but he was there because yams was there.

We started practacing and it was going really well we had all stopped for a break. I sat down next to asahi and he handed me a water bottle and we sat and talked foe a while until we had to practice again.

We practiced for what felt like hours doing practice games and even more hours doing exersice etc.

practise had finished and i started walking home until asahi came up to me.

"Hey noya"

"Hey Asahi How can i help you!" "Do you want to go on a date tonight if your free it doesnt matter if you arent" "I would love too Asahi!"

He smiled at me with the cutest smile ever.

"Great see you tonight" he gave me a kiss then started walking in the opposite direction. I practically ran home after that so i would have enough time to get ready. As i got to my house i said hi to my mom and ran upstairs to get changed. I put on some bright blue ripped jeans and an orange jumper, i brushed my hair down and put a red beanie on and put on some air force ones and waited for Asahito come.


I was laying on my bed watching a movie waiting until i heardd my phone go off. It was a notification from Asahi saying he was outside my house. I walked down starirs and opened the door seeing him leaning on his car wearing dark black jeans and a white t-shirt. He had his hair in a bun and had a bead bracelet around his wrist.

i waved at him and he waved back at me getting of his car as i ran towards him and his car.

He opened the passangere side door for me and i climbed in as he shut the door behind me. He climbed in the drivers side and started the engine. He started driving and i didnt recognise the street so i asked.

"Hey Asahi were are we going?"

He giggled then put his hand on my thigh. "dont worry baby you'll see" . We talked about training and random stuff mainly volly ball. When we reached our destination he got out of the car and opened the passenger door for me and let my climb out.

He covered my eyes and led me inside a building. He uncovered my eyes and i blinked a couple times trying to get my eyes used to the light. As i fully ajusted i saw a gourgeuos and fancy resturant with massive glass chandaleirs and glass sculpteres it was magnificent.

We sat down and ordred food and chatted until the waiter came with our food. It was delicious after we ate he took me to the park and we sat and ate ice cream and had a fun time.

We were walking back to the car holding hands until we heard a scream. I looked inside a cafe that was next to us thinking someone might have robbed the shop. There were no sign of a robbery Asahi also looked inside the cafe until i felt someone push me really hard. I relised that it was Asahi. I didnt know what was happening until he whispered to me.

"I love you Noya"

I looked at him confused until a car came crashing 100 mph into the sidewalk crushing Asahi in the process I was frozen in place. I had no idea what to dp. When i had snapped out of my paraliyzed state i quickly grabbed my phone and dialed a ambulence.

The ambulence came and they dragged Asahi's lifeless body out from under the car and into a ambulence. I rode with Asahi in the ambulence until we reached the hspital.

I thought he would live but when i realise that he woud never regain conciousness i broke down in tears as i left to go home.


I walked into practice with bags under my eyes all red and puffy from crying. All the team look at me inclued coach.

"Are you okay Noya?""yeah you look bad dude"

I took a deep breathe as i prepeard to tell everyone what happened. What happened to Asahi. I felt tears well up in my eyes as i took another deep breath.

"guys... i have something to tell you"

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