My love🤍 What time are we meeting up tonight? I forgot
Bubba🌻 Around 8pm baby You and your memory
My love🤍 Shut up But I might be a little late
My love🤍 is typing...
I am on my way to moms Mom, Kylie and I are going to hang out
Bubba🌻 Totally fine Take your time with your family <3 Want me to pick you up?
My love🤍 Yea please I will call you!
Bubba🌻 Okay babe Enjoy your day with your mom and sister And tell Kris I said hi :)
My love🤍 Will do! Love you
Bubba🌻 Love you more <3 Read
- Text message between Mother and Kendall❤️
Mother Are you here yet?
Kendall❤️ Pulling up right now
Kendall is typing...
Is Kylie there yet?
Mother She just got here Read
- Instagram story via krisjenner ! 1 minute ago
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- Text message between Shawn and Kylie
Kylie Hey, Shawn Long time no see
Shawn Well hello to you too Kylie It really has been long! How have you been?
Kylie Pretty good, thanks! What about you? How is the music carrier going?
Shawn Life's moving forward soo Pretty good too! Some new projects coming up but not much.
Kylie That's great I actually wanted to ask you something tho
Shawn Shoot
Kylie Well You know how we hung out a lot when we were young and how our families are practically relatives?
Shawn Well of course I know Where do you wanna come with this?
Kylie Listen, My family and I are having a family dinner in a week or so And we were wondering if you and your family want to join us like old times?
Shawn I would love to come but my parents and my sister are on vacation in Greece So if you guys are okay with just me coming I am all up for it! Who would miss a karjenner dinner, you know?
Kylie Great! I will send you the info later!
Shawn Sounds good! One thing tho
Kylie hm?
Shawn Can I bring JL? You know the guy we hung out with a lot when we were younger?
Kylie Sure The more the merrier! But weren't he in Paris with Kendall?
Shawn Umm Yeah I think he mention her once
Kylie So they know each other?
Shawn A bit I think Why?
Kylie I was just wondering I will talk to you later tho!
Shawn Okay Have a nice day Read
AUTHORS NOTE! Let's hope JL isn't too busy to miss the dinner... or lets hope he is smarter than to go there.
Did you guys enjoy chapter 11? If not, why? pls tell me I'd really loved to know.
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