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—— Playlist ; "Die for you"  ( Weekend )

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—— Playlist ; "Die for you"  ( Weekend )

It was Saturday Morning, when I woke up I came to a surprise. My aunt and uncle arrived, I loved them with all my heart. They weren't like my dad at all, my mom is pretty ok but my dad will never get on my good side. To me he's just a bastard.

"Aunt Choi!! Uncle!" I jumped into their embraces, they both chuckled.

"We know you're always lonely at home and that your brothers are always outside so we came to keep you company. We have nothing to do anyways."

"Hey didn't Jisung come??"

(As in Park Jisung. If you're wondering the mom is from the park side. )

"He'll be on his way dear, come sit and have breakfast!"


"Hey Jisung do you want to take a stroll near the neighborhood?"

"Sure I don't mind, I haven't took the time to get used to your neighborhood." The male quirked his lips up a bit, waiting by the door for me.

I rushed to the door, exiting the house door with him.

"So why didn't you come these months I haven't seen you in so long!" I whined, hitting the taller boy's arm.

He lightly chuckled, "I've been taking a lot of exams so that I can make it into the states. If I'm going to be honest I want to explore the world not just be stuck in Korea all my life."

"I see...you'll come back to visit me right??" I questioned, exposing a warm smile.

He ruffled my head, "of course I will, why wouldn't I come back home to see my favorite cousin...but that's only if I pass my tests. I passed most of them."

"And when you get into college do the same as me, so that you can visit me too alright?"

I nodded my head along with a slight smile, while ambling through the pavement we stopped upon two feet in front of us.

"Oh hi there Sunshine! Are you taking a walk too??" I beamed, questioning the boy who was currently glaring at Jisung due to my arm clinging on his.

"Yea I did. Who is this guy?" The coldness through his voice was like a cold whisper to your face, you could feel yourself freeze up and shiver right at the spot.

"O-oh...this is my cousin Jisung, he came to stay over for a while because you know my parents are never home." I awkwardly told him, taking my arm off Jisung's

"So only he came?" The dark eyed male raised up a brow, slightly tilting his head to the side.

"No my aunt and uncle came as well!! They're going to stay for a month or two before going back home! And Jisung how long are you staying??"

"I'm going to be here for 5 days or so, my break is almost over and you just started...you have like 8 more days till your break is over luckily." Jisung pouted.

"Oh I didn't get to greet you, I'm Jisung it's nice to meet you and you are??" Jisung held Sunoo's hand, waiting for him to respond.

"Kim Sunoo, her close friend from school." The deep voiced male vacantly responded.

"Hey Sunoo do you want to join us!! Come on please don't say no ddeonu!! Please!" I begged, the male gave up with a sigh. Nodding in agreement.

I beamed, pulling him by my side. "We have so many days to spend together ddeonu. We can go to the park, the ice cream shop, the gas station, wherever you want to go!! And you're favorite place too! "

"You guys are going to spend break together...alone? Is there something between you two?" Jisung sheepishly questioned both the boy and girl. The boy sent a glare to the older one once again, while the girl just had a confused look on her face.

"None of your business." Sunoo derisively replied to Jisung.

"Sunoo!! That's my cousin, sorry Jisung he doesn't talk much."

"No it's alright, I've met guys scarier and much worse he's actually quite nice."

Sunoo let out an unnoticed scoff, "what is this guy saying? Me? Nice to him? He wishes. I'm not nice to just anyone." He thought to himself.

The male wants to stay vacant around everyone, no matter what. He doesn't like other's presence...unless it's her.


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