summary of chpt. 1

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okay so, ive had this idea for quite a while now, but i never really had the motivation to even script it. so... heres a chapter 1 summary :

also, creds to t0_t0_ for helping me come up with this <3

a girl would always bully another girl in her
school, she would pick on her every day.
one day the girl being bullied stopped showing up, and after that there were multiple missing person reports.

The girl who was bullying her was well known for bullying the girl, therefore, when she went missing people blamed her. Tons of rumors were spread around the school as to what could've happened to the poor girl. Rumors like : suicide, running away, etc. The girl who bullied her felt insanely bad due to the rumors. She believed that the girl had taken her own life due to the bullying.

other students started to bully the bully because of the rumors. She became miserable. Both guilt and bullying built up inside of her and she became extremely sad.

One day whilst sitting at home scrolling through social media on her computer, the girl she had been bullying pops up.

"Let's play a game." she said.

The bully was confused.

"We'll swap, you take my place in here and i get to go back to the real world!" the girl said.

"Wait! What happened to you?" the bully asked.

"Hm? Oh, I took my own life, and this is the afterworld. Pretty insane right? You become a digital ghost!" the girl said. "But I've always wanted to get my I figured out a way to do so!"

"Huh?" the bully couldn't believe this was happening.

"So...let's switch!" she said.

"I don't want to."

"Awww, well too bad that isn't up to you!" the ghost girl said.

"What! But I don't agree to this!" the bully yelled.

"On the count of three we'll switch!" the ghost said. "1...2...3!"

The bully screamed as she felt herself shrinking and being pulled into the computer. She could see the pixels floating around her, as she tried to reach for anything to climb back out.

She saw the ghost pass by her, smiling. The ghost girl was flying towards the way the bully had came. 

Suddenly she hit the ground. It looked kinda like the normal world, but more evolved.

"Wow..." she mumbled out.  It was beautiful. 

"Hey! You okay?" a boy with pastel purple hair walked up to her.

"Who are you?" she said. "And yeah, I'm fine."

"I'm (not sure of name yet ill come up w one later lol)." he said w a smile. "how'd you manage to fall out of the sky? are you from the living world?"

"yeah, but where am i and how did (insert name) swap with me? is she dead? WAIT AM I DEAD NOW?!"

"haha! calm down! youre in the afterlife, im not sure if you're dead or not, i would think you are. you're definitely a ghost now if that girl swapped with I guess that means you're dead, too?" he didnt sound like he knew for sure.

"So are you dead too?" the girl asks.

"Yep! I'm a ghost, just like you are."

"Uhh, so can you explain where exactly I am?" the girl asks.

"Well, you're in the afterlife, it's all digital, we're digital! We can visit the living world, but we're ghosts ofc! No one will see us, we cant touch anything, etc etc. You get the gist of it."

She was scared. How did she go from living to dead that quickly? Was any of this even real?


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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