What if Andrew was an Asshole...

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Andrew rushed back inside the dance after learning Victor's secret smirking this is how he could get Mia and he walk straight to Kieron And lake and tells them lake being the protective friend she is she goes straight to creeksecrets where the word spreads fast.

Mia doesn't realize until someone stops her in the hall saying something like "ooo bad news about Victor"Mia is hella confused and goes to the biggest gossip she knows...Lake. She spots lake talking and Laughing to some girl.

M: LAKE!!!
L: "oh hey girl what's up"she says trying to act she didn't just put v
M: "why is everyone Saying "bad news about victor". What news about Victor?"
A: he's gay
M: "😳😳😳 and he told you"
A: "oh no he kissed Benji I heard them talking in the bathroom"
M: you realize that's not your news to share... if he hasn't already told anyone himself he wasn't ready to tell anybody
A: you realize he cheated on you right? And used you?
M: well you kissed me so in a way I cheated too and he didn't use me for shit.
Mia just walked away to go try and find him

Victor who was still floating from his kiss with Benji he quickly decided to go to the bathroom first he felt like everyone was staring at him so he was starting to wonder if anyone saw him and Benji kissing or if he just feels that way. A group of basketball boys walked out of the bathroom just laughing. He heard Mia calling his name in the hallway.
V: hey what's going on
M: oh you didn't hear
V: "hear what?"(gay panic)
M: your gay
V: ..................
M: "Andrew apparently heard you and Benji taking about how you kissed is it true?"
V: uhhh y-yea I thought I might be for a while and siding want to be but I stupidly and without thinking kissed Benji on that work trip, went to New York and figured out that it wasn't a crime for me to be who I was and I was gonna tell you yesterday but then you found out about Veronica being pregnant and that they are getting married and I couldn't put anymore on you I wanted to give you 1 fun night before I told you...
M: Andrew kissed me when you didn't show to the fundraiser but he really showed his true colours today by outing you
V: Does everyone know?
M: yea... Do you wanna go I. There
V: yes but no
M: well you will have me on your side though there is that come on
V: (little laugh) yes let's go inside
(Benji's POV's now)
I sat on the bench for a couple more minutes then went inside to let Lucy know I was leaving when I walked inside everyone was staring at me I was so confused until someone called me a cheater and I knew exactly why everyone was staring I found Lake and walked up to her pissed

B: Lake wtf why are people calling me a cheater ( I knew exactly why just wanted to here her say it but Andrew talked)
A: Because well you kissed Victor even though you have a boyfriend and he has a Girlfriend
B: (all I currently wanna do right now is cry or punch him instead I rolled my eyes and walked out.
Out of the corner of my eye when I'm leaving I see victor and Mia talking I'm too mad to talk to him right now he claimed I kissed him in that motel room.
Victor's POV

When Mia and I walked into the gym all eyes were on us then everyone kinda started to mind their own business again it Mia Felix Pilar and I were all just hanging out when the basketball guys came up to me and started saying that I missed out because Benji made me gay and that he must of kissed me bc I'm too straight to be gay so I did something I never thought I would do I ran up on stage to explain

"Excuse me every if I could get your attention
Just to set things straight I am gay and I kissed Benji and honestly that is not any of your business so just shut it and if anyone should be called a cheater its me and another thing to quickly point out Andrew kissed Mia and literally outed me to the entire school just to be able to date Mia so if everyone could just shut up and mind your own fucking business that would be great." He just walks out after that.

He finds Benji sitting on a different bench so he goes to sit..
V: Hey
V: are you ok
V: You probably know this but Andrew outed me to the entire school to get Mia back...
B: why did you say I kissed you? I hate being called a cheater you know.
V: "I didn't tell anyone that they just were saying that because I am " to straight to be gay" but I explained everything on the strange and kinda told everyone to fuck off and mind their business."
B: Oh well I'm proud of you then
They kissed again after that The end

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