16. Mikaelangelo

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(Belladona POV)
Mikael is back.Nik and Rebekah had told me about him.Oh my God Rebekah!I need to get them out of here
"You have to leave!"I whisper grabbing Klaus's hand and turning him to me
"You have to leave"I say louder"There must be a back door on this huge house,go out and leave as far as possible"
"Will you come with me?"he asks,sorrow on his voice.I would love running away with Nik,but my brothers and Kai are here,I can't just set them aside.He notices me hesitating and grabs my face gently peeking my lips.
"I will kill him"He says assuredly.There was no talking him out of it.I am the one grabbing his face and peeking his lips now
"We will kill him"I say and walk out before letting him mutter a word.
"Come out Niklaus"I hear his father loudly say,as I get out to the door,he had Elena on his hold,wait that is not Elena.
Katherine?!What the fuck?I have to take care of you too.
"Come out or she will die"he yells.Yeah no way in hell you are killing my sister.
I see Klaus stand beside me,not stepping out of the house
"Ahh,there you are!After hiding for centuries,you finally grew a pair to stand in front of me.Why don't you come out?"
I could see that his words affected Nik,but I will comfort him later

There will be no later,he is a Original,he will be safe.You save your ass
Shut the literal fuck up

Mu subconscious was a Katherine 0.2,a survivor.
"Or why dont you come in,oh,wait,you can't "Nik remarks.He covered fear with sarcasm too,that makes two of us.
Before Mikael could respond I step out of the house
"HANA NO"Katherine exclaims her face now covered in fear,real fear replacing the fake one she had on earlier.
Klaus breath hitched as I sped in front of Mikael and stand there confidently.
"Mikaelangelo was it?"I sass and he tightened his right fist,his left one on Katherine's hair.Kai and my brothers were freaking out,calling my name in terror,while Klaus was still astonished.
"Tribid!"he says in disgust I smirk
"You can fear the power radiating of me,don't you?"I remark"Thought I feel nothing but a pussy man on you."I say walking around him.I was playing with fire I knew it,but it was to keep my brothers,Nik,and now Kat safe,it was also kind of fun
"I mean,you couldn't satisfy your own wife,and she had to go find someone who could.The result being Klaus which made you hate him."I state and he lightly growls
"Any other time,I would praice you for such a comeback, but get your ass inside now"Kai ordered and I laugh without humor
"You hated Klaus because everytime you saw him,you saw manhood missing.You saw someone coming inside your woman,leaving her with a strong,powerful child"I whisper on his ear.He had let go of Kat and she had fled inside the house after me giving her a you-better-go look.
"All of your other kids were human,only him.He was a werewolf stronger,faster,the result of another man'
He stakes me with a stake he had on his picked"Shut up whore"
That bitch hurt like hell,but I show no trace of pain while I put it out
"Minuere"I whisper (Minuere-Weaken in Latin) and he let's a grunt,he felt the strength taken from him.The moment he was weak enough he dropped on his knees and I say
"Dolor" (Dolor-Pain in Latin) he started grunting louder,but I was feeling myself weaken as well.Taking down a Original is not easy,it takes a lot of magic.
"NIK NOW"I scream and he sped out of the house in a instant a white oak stake on his hand,he staked his father on the heart and Mikaelangelos body was set on fire.
Kai sped in front of me placing his wrist into my mouth,but I was drained
I saw Damon take the stake from ground,how did that not burn?And then he sped trying to stake Nik but thankfully Stefan sped in front of him,bringing them both in the ground.
Then darkness took over me,leaving me with my demons,whom I very much loved

"What are you doing?"Damon screamed.
"Protecting our sister!"Stefan answered and I turned around looking for Hana
She can't be dead
She isn't dead
I just found her
"Hana"Stefan sped in front of her,taking her body from Kais hand who was on the verge of tears
"No"Damon whispers next to me,a tear leaving him,rolling from his cheek
"Thank God she's dead"Elena says but she is thrown to a tree from a sobbing Katherine.
Katherine Pierce crying,you dont see this everyday,she goes next to Hana,but since her body was well protected by Stefans,she hugs a frozen Kai instead,he still doesn't move,the pain obvious on his eyes.
"No"he muttered
"Elena I may love you but I suggest you count your next words they may be your last"Damon threatened and went to his sister
I was to busy looking at everyone's pain to notice the sting and emptinessthat was on my heart.
I just found her,I can't lose her
Not now
Not ever
She was supposed to be my queen
My eternity
"She is not dead"Damon says grabbing her in front of his body."She just used to much power and she passed out.Which reminds me to beat her ass when she wakes up"He says walking away"Get yourselves at the Boarding house as soon as you clean up"he turns at me
"We will all be there when she wakes up"did Damon Salvatore approved me of his sister too?That was soon
My love,you better wake up
"She is not dead,he is right"Bonnie says coming into view.My heard stole a beat while we all looked,more like stared at her
"What?"Kai says a hopeful look on his face now
"Its on my grandmothers grimoire."she assures
She is alive
I thanked God
"And I am still beating her ass up when she wakes up"Damon remarks"Just so you know"he added and we all giggled
"I also take my approval back"he glares at me.Told you that was soon
"After you beat her ass I am going to do it too"Kai informs with a relieved face.We all head to the Boarding House.

After 2 hours of waiting Bonnie and Jeremy decided to head home,leaving ne,kai,Stefan,Damon alone.They all glared at me.I knew it was my fault

Of course it us you twat
Shut up,I know,no need to run it in my face

I always destroy things.I make every single one around me miserable.But I was selfish enough to keep her.
I love her,more than I have ever loved anyone.
What I felt for her was making me question if I ever loved anyone before.
Aurora who?
"I don't understand,why would my sister fight a vampire eating Original?"Damon exclaims for the hundredth time,Kai sighs from the bed.Hanas head was placed on his lap,he was running his hand on her hair lightly.He had fed her his blood when we came back.That made me a little jealous,not going to lie
"Because she loves him!"he exclaims
Wait?She loved me too?
No,no who would love a monster like me
But Kai said she loves me,he is her best friend,he knows her better than anyone else.
She loves me?
"For the first time in her life,she is allowing someone to get in!"I am her first love?He turns to Damon,who had looked furious
"If anyone dares to put her in any harm,I will be the first one to murder them"he was talking to me too.
"No one,I repeat,no,one"Kai growled,he was way overprotective,that is my job,mate
"Is to get on her way to him"he motioned at me with his finger,I raise my eyebrows in shock,he approved of me but I did not expect this kind of behavior
"And you are not to hurt her"he warned"Or I will take her back to London and none of you will see her"Damon goes to respond but "Ever again "Kai growled and we all put our heads down knowing that he was actually capable of doing it
Suddenly a gasps filled the room,and we all jump up.
Hana looks up and takes a couple of deep breaths
"That was definitely something "she jokes and Kai is the first one to get his senses back
He grabs her,pulling her into a way to tight hug
"If you ever dare die,I am bringing you back,so I can kill you myself"he says breathing into her hair.
I hear Hana giggle "I will look forward to that"she says
"Hun"Stefan steps to his sister pulling her into a hug too
"No matter how much I like it this is to much physical contact "she teased after Stefan released her.Damon stepping up
"You are lucky I am tired enough not to stay at your head all night"he remarked
"Is he dead"she asks
"Yes"I speak after finding my voice.
She nearly died tonight, yet she looked stunning.
She looks over at me and a big smile appears on her face.
"Out"Kai said at the Salvatores
"No"they both reacted
"I always keep my word "he growls"Out"
Stefan scoffed,while Damon let an "Ugh" slip
"But no sex"he warned glaring at me then stepping out
Kai got close to Hanas ear and whispered
"I am not ready to be a uncle " he informed winking at her.We all giggle,she kisses his cheek,and gets out,winking at me.
"Thank you"I say as she stared up at me with those blue eyes I could easily get lost on
She gets up and slowly makes her waist towards me
She puts her soft angelic hands on my neck,playing with my hair lightly,and I place my hands on her waist.
"I told you I'll always be there for you"she says as she leans in kissing me.
Our lips meet halfway,as I savoured her,I remember she didn't say she was mine yet.
We were only making out for all that I knew.
I pull back enough so I could talk
"Let's go on a date"I state and she giggle.I loved that sound.
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"she teased.My little nasty minx
"Girlfriend is such a cold word dont you think?"she tilted her head slightly "I am asking you to be my lover!"I ask suddenly feeling anxious

I miss the dominant Klaus.You are supposed to be The powerful Bid Bad Wolf
I am,I've just fallen in love.

"Does this answer your question?"she asks and smashed her lips on mine.We eagerly kiss for a while,tasting each other.

Mate,she said yes
Damn it,she accepted to be my lover.I can go out and shout that Belladona Salvatore in now mine,and I do not intent on letting her go,ever

"We are still going on that date though"she informed as we part,our lips swelled,and Oh did I love seeing her like this?
We get into a fit of giggles
"I have to go,I still have something else to do"I inform my voice filled with sadness.
I didn't want to leave her,but I knew I could wake up my siblings now.I have to prepare a home for the Mikaelsons,maybe two houses,one for me and my siblings,and one for me and my lover.It felt really nice calling Hana that.Also I am sure that no matter how tough he looked,Kai needed to talk to her too.

You have  become too sensitive
No I just have someone to care about now

She nods her head understanding,and we step out of the room only to find Damon,Stefan and Kai staring down at us
Damon breathed and said
"Can I beat her ass now?"

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