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I wanna say that english isn't my native language so if there is any mistake, I'm sorry.

And this is my first story, so don't judge so badly lol

So, um.. enjoy reading! :-D



As I listened to Ed Sheeran's Cold Coffee I got inside this hell aka my new school. God, it looks just like I imagined it, the same stupid high school. Cheerleaders, jocks, nerds and others.

I went straight to the secretary to get my schedule. When I got inside she was talking on the phone.

'Excuse me?', I tried to get her attention.

'What?!', she snapped at me.

'Whoa, there's no need to get all bitchy on me. I just want my schedule, I'm new here.'

'What's your name?', she asked me, her eyes narrowed.

Smirke appeared on my lips, 'Kate Clarke'

Her eyes widened in horror, 'Oh my, I'm sorry Ms Clarke. Here's your schedule.'

'Thank you', I smiled sweetly, 'I'm gonna take a wild guess, you read my file?'

'Y-yes, sorry.'


'All teacher read it, it was an order.'

'Okay, but the student don't know about me?'

'No miss.'

'Good, let it stay that way. Well, I'm of to class, bye!'

I walked to my first class, math. Great, kill me now.

'Why are you late?', the old teacher, Mr. Jonson asked me when I entered his class.

'I'm new. The name's Kate Clarke.'

His eyes widened in fear, 'Um, yeah.Take a seat Ms Clarke.'

I smiled and went to the back. I took a seat next to the window and put my earbuds in. Listening to Ed Sheeran's relaxing voice I let my thoughts run free. What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong with these kids. They're so carefree. And me? I feel like I have the whole world on my sholders. Plus some crazy gang chasing me to kill me. So yeah, I really don't belong here. Sound of ring made me stop my thoughts and get up.

Halls were crowded with kids. I was peacefully making my way to my next class when some boy stepped in front of me. He looked like your tipical All American boy. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a jock jacket. I raised my brow at him.

'', God,he was blushing.

'Spit it out blondie. I don't have all day.'

'Myfriendwantsyoutositwithus.', he quickly spoke. Too quickly.

I blinked, 'What?'

'Oh common! My friend wants you to sit with us during lunch!', he was red as a tomato! It was so funny, so naturally, I laughed. He frowned, 'What's so funny?'

'You're so cute', I smiled, 'Yeah, I'll sit with you.'

'Great!', he yelled happily, 'I'm Niall btw.'

'And I'm gonna be late to class', I went around him and into my classroom. Class was really boring, samo goes for the next two. Nobody talked to me except Niall. So much for fitting in. I walked out of biology and into the cafeteria. As soon as I stepped inside all eyes were on me. I rolled my eyes. Let's all watch the new kid! So much fun!

'Hey you! The new girl! Over here!' , I looked toward the voice and spoted Niall's blonde hair. I walked towards his table, which was in the middle of the room.

'Hey blondie.', I sat next to him, 'Hi guys, I'm Kate.'

'Oh, you have a beautiful name', Niall blushed.

I smiled, 'Thanks, you gonna intruduce me?'

He looked confused for a second before he realised what I ment, 'Oh yeah, this is Liam, Louis, Ashley and Jade.'

I looked at everybody. Ahsley and Jade looked like tipical hoes,oh, excuse me, cheerleaders. Short tops? Check. Even shorter skirts? Check. Blond hair? Check. Fake tan and ton of makeup? Double check. Liam and Louis had something about them that scream danger. Liam was looking at me with his bambi brown eyes like he was looking through my soul. Weird. Louis was smiling widely his blue eyes shining. But I knew better.

'What's wrong with your arm?', a high pitched voice asked me. Ashley. I looked down and my wrist was exposed. Three burns were on my skin. I quickly covered it with my cardigan's slive.

'Not you bisnis', I answered coldly.

She rolled her green eyes, 'Okay bitch'

I grabbed her by her top and got into her face so that we were inches apart, 'What did you say?!', I yelled.

'I-i-i...Let me go! Help!', she started moving in my arms.

'Hey, let her go. She was just being stupid.', Liam's warm hand was on my shoulder. That's when I noticed that everybody was looking at us. I let her go and sat back.

'You hoe! How do you dare to touch me?! I am the queen of this school!', Ashley yelled.

'Oh sit your fat ass down you bimbo. You were the queen.', I was smirking widely, 'Now I'm here.'

'How dare you?!', and that's when she slapped me, hard. Wrong move.

I smiled sweetly, 'You're dead.'

'Shit! Stop her!', Louis yelled but it was too late. I was already on Ashley. I pulled my fist back and then punched in the nose. Crack echoed. I smirked. I pulled my fist back again but somebody pulled me by my hair and threw me on the floor. I hit my head and black spots appered in my vision. I got up on my legs only to be punched in the stomach. Before everything went black I saw a pair of angry green eyes.



TADAAA! So, how was it? Should I countinue or not?


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