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???: not now you motherfucker hoe.

The one who choked Jack's neck was not other than my brother yoongi.

Suga: jerk you left that day by escaping easily but today I am not going to free you and now I will kill you.

That's when he killed Jack and came near me.

And said

Suga: are you okay princess.
Y/N: yaa bro I am okay (I am Y/N I am okay lol 😂 OK sorry)
Jungkook: who the hell was he.
My eyes widened.
Y/N: H-e he wa-s m-my ex fia-nce
Jungkook: what the fuck
Y/N: Yah Jungkook-ah plz dont be angry his plan was to kill my family that's why I didn't married him I only love you.
Jungkook: aww I love you too.
He pulled me in a passionate kiss.
Suga: eww you two little punks go get a room and why the hell are you kissing my sister
Jungkook: Dude she is my wife I can kiss her.
Suga left with a disgusting face.


Y/N: Excuse me where is jungkook
Maid: mam master is in his personal room
Y/N: Oh okay thank you
With that i left where jungkook was.
When I entered the room I saw jungkook drinking blood oh Jesus he look so damn hot. Oh god I really want him badly.
I went near him and sat on his lap.

Jungkook: oh you came baby what you want.
Y/N: I want you baby so badly.
Jungkook: baby think about it if I will start then I will not stop so hmm.
Y/N: no daddy I want it.
I started to slide down towards his dick.
Jungkook: ahhh I will give you a long punishment.
Y/N: I want it daddy.
Jungkook: then don't regret it later.
Y/N: I won't daddy.


He pulled me in a rough yet passionate  kiss. He started to kiss me roughly and bitted my lip I moaned he took the chance and entered his tounge he started to taste every inch of my mouth then he teleported to our bedroom hovered over me and started to kiss on my neck leaving Purple love bites I started to moan which made him more needy he started to undress me him to he left me in my panty and started to kiss me all over my chest and sucked my breasts. Then he ripped my panty and started to suck my pussy. He also ripped his pants and you know what his dick was so big. He started to thrust in me very hard.

Y/N: Ahhh j‐ng‐ko‐ok fas‐faster plz
Jungkook: as you wish princess. He started to thrust in me more faster and harder.
Jungkook : ba‐be you are s-o tig-tight ughhhhhh. At this point I was a crying and moaning mess. He started to kiss me while thrusting so that I can stop crying and it worked.

Y/N: babe I-i am ab-about t-o co-come
Jungkook: me to let's come together. Ahhh. We came together in and he lay beside me and hugged me and said.


Jungkook: I love you so much I am lucky that I have you.
Y/N: I love you to I am also lucky to have you.. goodnight
Jungkook: good night.


LOST VAMPIRE MATES JUNGKOOK FF 18+ Where stories live. Discover now