Be the change

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There were so many questions. One: Why did hearing and seeing the Prince always trigger me? Two: Why did I feel like missing something important? Three: Why was Yunho in the Prince's room? Four: Why do I meet him every time? Not that I minded though... Five: Who were all those other guys around the Prince with their masks? Six: Where in the world were we now? I nudged Yunho and decided to ask at least this last question out loud. "Oh, you never were here before?", he asked and grinned. I shook my head. "This is where the master of our royal household lives", he explained theatrically. I chuckled. "Do you have something to write?", he asked. "I'm afraid, no", I shrugged my shoulders. "Alright, we'll just leave the shards here then. I'll tell Misses Jones afterwards. She won't be mad or anything." I tilted my head: "But I would like to apologize myself. Can't we just knock and see if she's here?" Suddenly Yunho looked nervous: "Uh... No. She usually isn't at home during the day." He turned me around: "Let's go." I stumbled over my own feet as he suddenly rushed away from the little house. He was especially weird today. I shook my head. "Tell her my honest apology at least", I instructed him and he promised to do so.

"So, what are you up to now?", he asked as we were back in the castle. I shrugged my shoulders: "Don't know yet. I am pretty bored." "I see...", he answered, "Is that why you broke the vase?" "Haha", I grinned and rolled my eyes. "Yunho, about yesterday...", I began. "No, don't say anything", he interrupted me and I looked at him confused. "I have a better idea", he smiled and motioned me to follow him. I did so and a bit later we stood in front of a big door. He opened it and my jaw dropped. "Wow, this is big", I said amazed as I took in the sight of a large library, "But what are we here for?" Yunho put a finger on his lips and walked over to a bookshelf, obviously looking for something. I followed him quietly and tried to look over his shoulder – which was rather difficult because he was taller than me. Triumphantly he pulled out a book, turned around and almost hit me with it. "Oh my gosh, sorry", he said shocked. "Careful", I laughed. "I didn't know you were standing behind me", he said and scratched his head. I shrugged it off and pointed to the book: "What is this?" "This", he said and held up the book, "is a book." I looked at him, waiting for more. "I... I know. I am not stupid, you know?", I said as he didn't continue. "Well, you asked what this is", he grinned. I raised an eyebrow. "Okay, sorry", he laughed, "It's Beauty and the Beast. You know the story?" I nodded. "See", he said and went over to a couch, sitting down, "I have my problems with this story. But it has some interesting points." I sat down next to him and asked: "And those points are...?"

"First", he started to explain, "Belle was very different to all the others. Sounds cliché but over the last few days I met someone who showed me that there can be people like this. Second, she was making a difference. She had induced a change. And that change saved a whole castle, in fact. Maybe our castle needs change, too. Like... Like people who stand up and make up for mistake they make. And third: She feel in love with someone who wasn't who he seemed to be. She saw a beast, not the Prince. I wonder... Would she have loved him if he just would have pretended to be someone – a beast in this case – to get to know someone without getting labelled a Prince first? What do you think?" I tried to take it all in and slowly chose my words: "Uh... I... No clue. First of all, I get the whole 'not wanting to be labelled'-thing, so it would make sense if somebody does that and if I love that person because of who he is than why should it matter what status he has? I mean...", I trailed off. Waaaaait. I looked at Yunho closely. The weird feeling I sometimes had... All that free time he had... The height was suiting... "Anyways", he interrupted my thoughts, seemingly getting uncomfortable by my close observing, "Here are some notes in this book, maybe you want to read them. Apart from that feel free to roam around in this library to your like. I have to leave, sorry. See you soon." He stood up hurriedly, gave me one last, heart melting smile and bolted out of the room. I watched the door closing and shook my head. The way he walked... I opened the book on a random page and by chance found a note. It said: "Be the change, there will always be someone supporting you." I looked up again. And then it hit me. I knew what seemed off the whole time. His voice. I knew his voice.


Outside, Arthur took a deep, shaky breath. Did she see through his disguise? She had inspected him so closely suddenly. Was he being too obvious with his questions? In that case, he only hoped, she meant what she had said earlier. "Wow, what happened to you, Arthur?", he heard a well-known voice behind him and turned around. "Lady Katharina", he confessed. "Woah, she must have crazy influence on you then", his friend laughed. "Well, yes", the Prince confessed, "And I think she realized who I really am now." "Oh." "Yes." The two looked at each other. "It's gonna turn out alright", the Prince's friend assured him. "You sure?", Arthur asked. "Yes. But if you want, I can talk to her and test the waters. I have to leave now, but we can discuss it tomorrow?" Relieved, the Prince nodded: "That would be a good idea, I reckon." "Alright, see you!", the other one said. "See you. And... Thanks, Jahan. I trust you in this already." Jahan smiled: "No problem."

Sighing, Katharina stood up. She looked back at the book. Or to be more precise: The notes. She was pretty certain those were written by Yunho. Or Arthur, for that matter. She would ask him straight forward tomorrow. Not today. She needed to get it under her own feet first. And until then, she would enjoy the company of the books. And go back to Misses Jones to explain and apologize about the vase. Yes, facing him tomorrow was for the best. And then it was time for a change. A change from Yunho to Arthur. “We'll see if I will be the one to support you then“, she mumbled.

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