Chapter 8: Heart and Soul

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**Dana's Pov**

Not long after we had pulled over that we arrived at the location that we had organized to meet up at. He hasn't spoken to me since he got back into the truck, this hurts so much. I am angry at myself for getting that drunk, but also somehow remembering it? Like how does that happen? Imogen not telling me what happened to me, no wonder we aren't friends anymore she wasn't really my friend, to begin with. We pull up to a group of cabins, the one in front of us is one of the smaller ones.

So close to the water, did he even think of our boy's? Let's hope they don't run off on us

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So close to the water, did he even think of our boy's? Let's hope they don't run off on us. We both sat looking at the cabin, I turn my head looking at him, trying to keep my tears at bay. "Be angry at me all you like mister, but don't you dare give me the silent treatment!" I screamed at him, he doesn't even look at me, just keeps looking out of the front window. "Arghh! I know my past isn't ideal, but don't you dare act as if you've never had a horrible drunken moment as a teenager! I blanked out a lot of shite from my teen years for a reason, don't you dare hold that against me as my memories come back!" I yelled at him so loudly, nothing his not even flinch at the volume I am using, "Still not going to say anything?!" I asked this is the first time I have ever wanted to really punch him, "Fine!" I yelled out. 

Storming out of my side of the car taking my bag with me, opening the back door to get Sebastian out of his seat. He is awake which helps, once he was out I took him to the other side while I got Alexander out. I grab their bag looking at Dean who's still sitting in the car. I stormed past him, why is he doing this?

I made my way to the front door, putting Alexander down he grips my leg as I open the door letting both boys run into the cabin, I look back at the truck his still looking right ahead. I slam the door behind me locking it, knowing he probably has keys and even if he doesn't he'll be able to unlock it anyway.

It was small but cute, with a small kitchen off the living area, two bedrooms, and a bathroom.

I turn the tv on for just background sounds as the boys play on the floor, I grab a pillow and start crying. Bad enough these memories are coming back to me, but having him act like that feels like he's judging me. I don't want judgment I want his love, I want the Dean I know back. I pull myself out of my self-pity moment and start opening up the windows. When I reached the front room ones I hear the truck door open.

"AARON FUCK OFF RIGHT NOW!" Dean roared out. "Dean what the hell!?" Aaron asked, "I SAID FUCK OFF!" Dean yelled, "What has happened? You're not going into that cabin if Dana and the boys are in there." Aaron snapped, I see Dean spin around so fast at Aaron, storming towards him. "DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Dean yelled, "For their safety yeah I can!" Aaron yelled back at him. 

I don't want them fighting I quickly check on the boy's they are still playing on the lounge room floor. I race outside to them both standing in the middle looking right at Dean with just as much anger as he has on his face. "DANA MOVE!" He yelled at me, he has never yelled that loudly at me before, "NO! NOT UNTIL YOU TALK TO ME!" I yelled back at him, "WHAT IS THERE TO SAY? YOU ALLOWED HIM TO SLEEP WITH YOU WHILE DRUNK!" He roared at me, I looked at him in sheer shock then anger started rushing through my veins, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!? ANYONE WHO'S THAT DRUNK HAS NO FUCKING SAY!" I screamed, "YOU HAD PLENTY OF TIME TO TELL ME THIS!" He screamed, "Pfft! I WAS FIFTEEN DEAN! I HAVE HAD HEAPS OF SHITE HAPPEN TO ME, I DON'T CHOSE WHEN SHITE STARTS COMING BACK TO ME!" I yelled, I cannot believe him right now.

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