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Sorry for surname difference...Yesha Rughani and Ashi Singh...
But I don't wanted to change their real name... Don't mind plz...

Let's continue...

They four reached the college...
Abhishek went to his classroom...
And Siddharth was in his way to his classroom...


Yesha and Ashi was searching for their classrooms as they were new in the college...
Yesha got his classroom and went to the classroom...
Her class was same as of Abhishek.

Ashi was searching her class and was very nervous as it was her first day in the school...
Suddenly she collided with someone...

Guess who's it...

He was our Siddharth...

Ashi: Can't you see!! (She shouted)
Sid: Why are u shouting? It wasn't my were moving forward and seeing somewhere else...
Ashi: Shut up!!
Sid: Okk...I am sorry...
And Sid left...

Ashi(in mind): Why did I shouted on him? He was was my mistake not his...I shouted on him without thinking and he's so kind that he replied me so softly and said sorry without any I will say him sorry if we meet again...

Ashi to a girl: Where is this class?
She showed the room number to the girl...
Girl: That is the class (pointing towards a classroom)
Ashi: Ok... thanks for telling

And then Ashi entered the classroom
Sid looked at Ashi.
Ashi to the professor: May I come in Sir?
Professor: Yes Ashi come in.
Professor to all the students: She is Ashi Singh...a new student of our her if she needs...
Sid was continuously looking at Ashi and thinking that she is so beautiful...He was lost in her...
All students: Ok sir

Then Ashi started searching for a seat...and she saw that Siddharth was sitting on a bench...and beside him the place is empty.
She decided to sit there as she wanted to say sorry to Sid.
Ashi went and sat there.

Ashi to Sid: Hello
Sid ignored.
Ashi: I am saying hii. Why aren't you replying?
Sid: Hello!
Ashi: I am sorry..
Sid: Why?
Ashi: For what happened that time...I know it was my mistake... Actually I was very nervous because it's my first day in College...Please forgive me...I accept my mistake...Sorry!!
Sid: It's ok... I forgave you...
Ashi: So sweet you...
What's your name?
Sid: My name is Siddharth Nigam...
Ashi: Ohh...nice name...I am Ash...
Sid(in between): I know you are Ashi Singh
Ashi: How do you know?
Sid: Just now the professor told...stupid!!
Ashi: Oh ya...sorry
Sid: How many sorry you keep with you?
They both laughed...
Ashi: Will you be my friend? I don't have much friends.
Sid: Sure, why not.
They did a handshake and became friends...
And they both talked about themselves...their family...and all...


When Yesha entered the classroom...The professor introduced her to the class...

Yesha was looking for a seat...then she saw an empty place beside Abhishek...she goes and sit there...

Professor to Abhishek: Tell me the solution of this question (pointing towards white board)
Abhishek: Sorry sir...I don't know...
Everyone starts laughing on him except Yesha...
He became very angry...he can't tolerate his insult...

After some time...
Yesha to Abhishek: What's your name?
Abhi: Why would I tell you?
(Abhi talks with respect to everyone but now he's angry for his insult)
Yesha: I have only asked your name...if you don't want to tell them don't tell but why are you saying so rudely...
Abhi: Don't talk to me...

Professor saw them talking with each other and said: Yesha and Abhishek...If you both are not interested in studying...just leave the class...get out...
Yesha: But sir...
Professor: I said get out
And they both went outside of the class.
Abhi became more angry on this and said to Yesha: Because of you we are out of the class... What's the need of arguing with me?
Yesha (angrily): Ok sorry!!!From now I won't ask you anything...
And she left and sat in the canteen...
Abhi also sat in the canteen...but very far from where Yesha was sitting...

So guys....did you liked their first meet...Keep watching my story for the next part...I will try to upload tomorrow.... Let's see what happens next with them....

Follow my channel and like and comment to my story if you liked it....
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The name of YouTube channel is Queen👑


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