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Recap-Nandini in hospital. Just a normal day. Nandini and fab4 talk about manik blaming himself.

Its been 2 days of nandini being admitted in the hospital.
Doctor checked her and told manik to get the discharged papers ready and also to meet him about nandini diet and medications.

Doctor's cabin:

Doctor-so mr malhotra i just wanted to inform you about nandini's conditions and also her diet

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Doctor-so mr malhotra i just wanted to inform you about nandini's conditions and also her diet.

Manik- everything ok doctor.

Doctor-physically...yes she is recovering and if everything goes like this she will most probably be fully recovered at the end of this month.

Now talking about her diet...she can eat solid just not spicy food and also not any junk food...she can eat anything homecooked food.

Make sure she doesn't do any heavy lifting..but after 2-3 days make sure she starts walking in the garden or even in the house itself.

If you are ok you can arrange a physical trainer but i think she will be fine without it also...its upto you.

Now lastly the main point i wanted to address to you is about her mental health.

Look mr malhotra i know she is fine physically but we personally don't know what happened she has to talk about what most cases i suggest a therapist but if you are comfortable talking to each other that will be fine.

I think in a relationship talking to your partner is the most comfortable and peaceful talk...

But make she talks mr malhotra...seeing her bruises i can imagine the situation and it's not good.

In most cases some people also have won't be a permanent thing but if not talked about can become such a thing..

That's all i wanted to say...if you have any can ask.

Manik- doctor

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Manik- think there was some....phy ...physical abuse also...i mean...

Doctor-i can understand what you are asking but i don't think so...and also she herself is a doctor so she knows these things and i don't thing so she will hide...but as a doctor no there wasn't.

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