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IN WHICH a girl is sent stumbling into the multiverse in search of her missing Loki.


A Loki series fanfiction with my own twist. Basically, the protagonist, who has their own version of a Loki, sets off on an adventure after their Loki disappears, and happens upon the other Loki variants, including alligator Loki. 

➵ Idea was inspired by the Loki series. I'm unsure if anyone else has had a similar idea since the start of the series: mainly because I don't usually read Marvel fanfics.

➵ Please for the love of God don't steal my idea. I might make this into another applyfic if I'm lucky.


"Huh....Luke? Lucas, where are you?" the girl frowned. She was stuck in a somewhat broken down biome. Buildings that once stood stall slowly falling apart brick by brick. In the distance, from what her line of eyes could tell, was a dark cloud. Or well, she assumed it was a cloud. It was darker than most cumulonimbus clouds she'd seen.

This wasn't home, that was for sure. Wherever she stood right now was a desolate place with seemingly no signs of life. It reminded her of the ruins of the ancient Greek pantheon where she'd avoided dying a few years ago.

"Ah jeez," she muttered. "Loki!" Heaving a sigh, she gathered up the last bit of strength she had and hoisted herself on her feet. No point in standing round, and was that cloud moving a lot quicker than it should have?

"Loki!!" she called out. "Where the hell are you?! Come on, I'm sorry about what I said earlier: you're not a future horse bride!"

Riley groaned. She was sure she was going to be lost now with her short term memory.

"Loki, come on! This isn't funny anymore." 

"On the contrary, I think it's amusing!" a voice spoke up from behind her. "Although I don't believe we've met before, have we?"

Shrieking, she made an abrupt turn and smacked her face against a wall.

Well, more like a chest. Damn, this person must work out a lot.

Someone managed to catch her in time, and Riley realized she was staring up at a handsome ravenette who was definitely NOT her Loki.

Mr-What's-His-Name smiled, and helped her stand steadily on her feet. Once he was sure she was not about to fall, he stepped back a bit, probably wondering what the hell this crazy person was doing in the middle of nowhere.

"You do look familiar," he said. "Although I really can't place my hand on it." He made a face. "I haven't slept with you, have I?"

Horrified, she took a step back. While he was decent to her eyes, she's positive she'd never slept with anyone in her entire life. Hell, she hasn't even had her first kiss!

"Sorry, I don't believe so," she muttered shortly. "Uh.....who are you?

"Straight to the point are we?" he chuckled. Riley found herself feeling awkward and shy all of a sudden, and she did not like it one bit. "My name is Loki, but I assume you already knew that since just a few minutes ago you were screaming my name."

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" 

"I said, my name's Loki, of Asgard."

"Asgard, the realm of the Gods."

"Well, at least you're not as dumb as you look. But yes, I am Loki of Asgard. And um....you might be?"

"Holy fucking shit."

"Wait no- oh dear. Sylvie! I need some help!"

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