Chapter 14

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~Alicia's POV~

I was walking down the hall when I randomly decided to check my pockets. I realised they were empty. Oh crap.

"Hey guys! Look what I found!" I heard Potter say down the hall.

I crouched in the nearest hallway and listened.

"Nicholas Flamel!"

They were reading it quietly.
I'm too lazy to do the stupid spell again.

"OMG! Come with me!"

They started running and I silently followed them.

When they got to the portrait Granger said "Godric."


They went in and I said the password and I was let in.

That was easy.

I snuck in and hid behind the couch where they were all sitting.

Thank Merlin everyone was at lunch.

She came in with a gigantic thick book.

"I checked this out for a bit of light reading."

"That's light?" Weasly asked shocked.

I agree with him on that one.

"It says here that Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Sorceror's Stone."

What the heck is that? Well me and Potter had the same thought because he asked the question as soon as I thought it.

"Honestly! Doesn't anyone read?"

Nope only you Granger.

"The Sorceror's Stone can turn any piece of metal into pure gold, but it can also give you immortality."

The boys looked confused.

"Which means you never die you idiots." I said popping out.

Probably shouldn't have done that.

"How did you get in here?" Granger said.

"Funny story. I overheard you guys in DADA and yeah you can guess the rest."

"Get out." Potter said.  

"No I don't think so. You guys want to make sure my father doesn't try and steal the stone and I want to prove that he's innocent."

"What do you want Snape?" Weasly said looking at me with pure anger.

"I want to help you."

"I think we are fine thanks." Potter said.

"Ok Potter. Here's what you don't know about me. Unlike Draco, I don't take no for an answer. You guys want to stop my father right?"

"Yes." Granger said.

"And I want to prove you guys wrong."

"Alicia. I'd hate to break it to you but we caught your father with a cut on his ankle on Halloween."

"That's not proof Potter. That's an assumption."

"Fine you can help, but you can't tell anyone. Including your father and Malfoy." Granger said.

"Like they would believe me anyways." I smirked and left the room.

Well. That went well. I think. Now I gotta figure why the heck I even thought about that.

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