Saturday morning

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I woke up because of the noise around me and a sharp pain in my left wrist. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw were Jake's bright blue eyes. "Finally you woke up", he said. I looked at him confused. "I have been trying to wake you up for the past 5 minutes." I felt my cheeks get red while I mumbeled a 'sorry'. I sat up straight and looked around. Most of the students were awake or they just woke up like me. There were people who hadn't woken up yet but 15 minutes after I woke up they're also awake. Everybody was sitting and talking while I sat next to Jake trying to stay awake. I really slept bad. Aftere some time the teachers came and said that we could go to the cafetaria to have breakfast. Everybody got up and left the sleeping hall. I also stood up but then I felt a hand holding mine when I wanted to walk away. I looked down to see Jake holding my hand while talking to Gino and Nick. Jake looked at me and smiled. I gave him my other hand and helped him get up. After Gino and Nick also got up, we left to get breakfast. Just like the others we waited in line and when we got our food we sat down with our classmates. While eating I tried to think of a way to get the handcuffs open before leaving to go home. I was too lost in my toughts to notice that it went silent at our table. Only because someone started coughing I came back to reality. I looked around and saw them staring at me. "What's wrong?", I asked. "You're just so silent are you okay?", Kyle asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, I was just thinking how we could get the handcuffs to open", I answered. "Did you come up with something?", Jake asked. I shook my head, I couldn't think of anything. In the mean time, everybody was done eating. We stood up and cleaned our table. While we went back to our sleepingbags, Jake and I discussed how we were going to solve it. First of al we would change in to our normal pants and fresh us up as much as possible. It took us longer than usual to fresh up and it wasn't easy. 

After we got ready I wanted to leave but Jake stopped me. He was calling with someone so I waited. After he ended the call he looked me straight in the eyes. "I just called my parents to explain everything and to ask what we could do to solve this. They said that we have to look if we can find anything that would help us but if we find nothing you have to come with me so that they can take a look at it." After that we went to the hall. I found a bobbypin on the ground. I picked it up and tried to open the lock just like in the movies but it didn't work so I put it away. We looked around, tried multiple things but nothing worked. I had sent a message to my parents that I would be home later and that I didn't know how late it would be but they hadn't answered yet. I didn't really care about it tho. There was no other option then going with Jake to his house. When we were allowed to go home, Daisy came to us and asked if she could come with us. I looked at Jake for a moment but he was already listening to music. "Yeah sure", I said. And with that we left to the trainstation. "So tell me everything." I told her everything from start to end without missing any detail. We arrived when I was done with the story. We looked where we had to be and went there. We kept talking until we had to take another train. After we said our goodbye we waited for the other train. When we got on the other train Jake give me one of his airpods to listen to the music. We didn't talk and just listened to the music. When we arrived I just followed Jake because I'm not familiar with this city. We went to a parking next to the station. There were only a few cars parked. He brought me to a car where a woman had just gotten out. He introduced us to each other and she brought us to their house. When we arrived he introduced me to his dad and his 2 sisters. After the introduction, we immediatley searched for a way to open the handcuffs. After 20 tries we gave up, there was nothing that worked. It was now noon so we went to the kitchen where lunch was just served.

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