The Beginning and The End

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It all started like any other cliché high school romance. The new girl comes, locks eyes with the boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. And it's as if nobody else is in the room. And that's what I thought it was. My high school romance lasts until the end. God was I wrong. Before I was beyond happy I met him. But now? I wish that I had never met that blue-eyed boy before.

Everything about him drew me in. His eyes, his smile, his laugh... Everything. So I decided to shoot my shot. Asked him to a school dance. And he said yes. Score! Right? Wrong. The next thing I know, he's my boyfriend. Before I was beyond happy I met him. But now? I wish that I had never met that blue-eyed boy before. At the time, it all fit into place. Of course, it was awkward at first. What high school relationship isn't at the beginning.

It all seemed good through the school year. We got closer and were practically best friends. But my main fear was him losing feelings over the summer. Like, what girl wants to have a relationship only to get back to school after summer to have him end it because he lost feelings over the summer? Not me. And he knew that was a fear of mine. But he didn't say anything, which I found a little odd at the time, but it makes sense now. Summer came around, and we saw each other a little. I invited him to my birthday party. He came and we had a great time with friends.

3 weeks later, I get the text. The one text that broke me completely. The one I dreaded.

'Hey, so I have something to tell you. I should've told you a long time ago, but... I just want us to be friends. Nothing more. Sorry, I should've told you sooner.'

And I cried. A lot. It's as if the world had stopped to let me bask in my pain for a moment. I called my best friend, my sister, my brother... Everyone close to me. That's when I started overthinking. I should've told you sooner? What did he mean? So I asked him... And I regretted it once I got an answer.

'Idk... During school. Probably the middle of the school year. I've been wanting to tell you for about 9 months now.'

And I thought I cried hard the first time. I wailed. I screamed until my throat hurt. Thank God I was home alone by now. I cried. And cried. And cried. I know, pathetic. He's a stupid boy. But I was in love. But the love was fake.

That night, I was curled up on the couch watching a MARVEL movie, when my phone rang. I sighed in frustration and picked up my phone, looking at the caller I.D. Seeing his, I froze. Looking at it for a few minutes. I finally answered, leaving my parents in the living room with the movie as I went to my room for privacy. I quietly took a breath and listened.

"Maddie?" he asked.

"What do you want, Joseph," I asked quietly.

"I'm sorry. And I know that I should've told you sooner. But the pressure from everyone was building on me. And I couldn't. I know that it would hurt you and I didn't want to do it..." he said with a deep hoarse voice. I wanted to break down and cry right there. But I didn't. I kept strong.

"You're a really good liar," I state. Another pause.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"You lied to me. For 9 months. You led me on for 9 months. That's how long we've been dating. Is 9 months. And you lied. And I believed you," I say with a monotone voice. Yet another pause.

"I'm sorry..."

"I hope you feel bad. Because not only did you lie to me, but you lied to your friends and my friends. My parents and your parents. My siblings and your siblings. You lied to everyone," I snap.

"Well... I should probably get going... I've got some family things to do," he mumbles. I wait to see if he would say goodbye. That's all I wanted. And right now, I regret not saying goodbye on that phone call. I wish I could hear him saying goodbye. Our final goodbye. Our relationship didn't even end with a goodbye.

I went on for days. Trying to make better of me. Just forget about him. To everyone else, I said I was fine. That was great. That nothing was wrong. Everyone thought I was. But my best friend and sister knew better than that. I fell into a depression phase almost. My eating got slower. I didn't drink a lot of water. I didn't find happiness in the old things I used to, because I saw him in those things. I was screwed...

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