With all peace and love.... Wtf?

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Ok first off

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Ok first off. Hi yeah I'm censoring this person's user cause I don't want them to get hate

And since you blocked me before I could respond I'm just gonna leave this here

fOk first off, I never called you a stupid bitch. I didn't even slightly insult you in anyway shape or form and I never said YOU couldn't rp in first person. I said I don't do it.

Secondly, I didn't know you were even doing an 'rp' cause you never communicated that to me. You literally said hi and then started... that. Which honestly at first, I didn't think was an rp cause I've had experiences in the past of people just sending me sexual stuff for no reason that wasn't considered a consensual roleplay

And the fact you just said 'so?' When I explained to you I don't do rps in first person was just so rude and defensive on your part

But anyways. People don't seek out this person and send them hate and if that person is reading this (which they probs aren't) I only wish you happiness and good health <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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