Finding Hope

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{Jen's POV}
Alex had brought me home earlier.  She was very proud that she finally had her driver's license.
I took a Dr Pepper and sat down in front of my MacBook and looked on YouTube for the song Priceless by the band King of the Country for Country and King or something like that.
I entered Priceless for Country and KING in the search box on YouTube.  I was suggested a video Priceless - for KING & COUNTRY...

I clicked on the video and listened.

Mirror, mirror, mirror on the wall
Tellin' those lies, pointing out your flaws
That isn't who you are
That isn't who you are

It might be hard to hear
But let me tell you, dear
If you could see what I can see, I know you would believe
That isn't who you are
There's more to who you are

So when it's late
You're wide awake
Too much to take
Don't you dare forget that in the pain
You can be brave
Hear me say

I see you dressed in white
Every wrong made right
I see a rose in bloom
At the sight of you
Oh, so priceless
Irreplaceable, unmistakable, incomparable
Darling, it's beautiful
I see it all in you
Oh, so priceless


At Bright I had to cry.

Sisters, we can start again
Give honor 'til the end
Love, we can start again

This song was so touching and powerful, and it completely suited my situation.
I listen to the song to the end and smile.  Then I took my Bible and read the scriptures that John had written down for me.  After I finished reading I felt very guilty.  I had blamed Jesus for everything all along.  I thought he let me down.  I felt so uncomfortable.
I fell on my knees and prayed through tears:
"Jesus, I don't know where to start. I'm so sorry that I blamed you for everything. I'm sorry that I said you didn't care.  I'm so sorry that I cut myself from desperation. I'm sorry. Thank you for dying on the cross for it too. Please give me enough strength and the right people for the situations. Thank you for bringing me back to you. I love you! Thank you! Amen!"

I took my MacBook and listened to the song Priceless over and over.

I picked up my cell phone and called Alex and John.
"Hey Jen, I hope you are a bit better?"
John asked.
"Yes thanks I am. I have found hope. Thanks Alex for tge Song and Thank you so much John for the Bible verses. It helped me a lot.  I already knew how I would call my baby. You wanna hear it?"
"Yeah sure! Just let me get to Korey quickly.  I'm sure she wants to know the names too."
John got up from the couch, followed by Alex, and went into Korey's dressing room with the cell phone.
I heard John explain Korey what was going on and then I saw her face on the screen.
"So Jen tell us what will be the names?"
I had to smile.
"If it turns out to be a boy I'll call him Leo Isaac. If it turns out to be a girl, her name is Evie Dior."
I heard Alex saying, " I love the names!"
"Yeah I do too."  John and Korey said at the same time. 
We had to laugh.
We talked a bit before we hung up.  After we hung up, I soon went to bed.  As I lay in my bed I whispered a simple "Thank you Jesus!"  and then fell asleep peacefully.

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