The Rise Of Spencer James

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March 13, 1946, Los Angeles, California, 10:09 PM
"KGPL calling a car, 14 Adam, 14 Adam come in." The radio said. "Go ahead KGPL." Spencer said. "14 Adam, see the detective, an ambulance shooting at sixth, and industrial street. Unit 16 requests uniform assistance for an evidence search, 14 Adam, code Two." "Roger, 14 Adam, en route." Cole said, who was Spencer's partner. "Here we go again, they don't request uniforms at an evidence search unless it's some kinda catch." Cole said, with Spencer driving to the location while turning the sirens on. "Ever the optimist." Spencer said. "Nice compliment, from the beam of sunshine himself." Cole said, sarcastically. They arrived at the crime scene, ready to get to work. "Floyd Rose, homicide, are you my backup?" Floyd asked, as Spencer and Cole, get out of the car. "Yes sir, James, and Phelps, Wilshire division." Spencer answered. "We had a shooting take place down this alleyway, we have the Vic, Scooter Peyton, a negro male, bagged up, and on his way to Central Morgue." Floyd answered.", and Spencer felt offended that he called the black man, who died, an negro male, but since he was also a cop, and also wanted to keep his job, he didn't say anything. "Witness say, a tall white guy, our shooter, put two in the Vic's head, and then threw his piece. I need you guys to try and recover that" Floyd said. "Do you want us to look anywhere in particular?" Spencer asked. "Give it your best shot guys. The dead guy's a lowlife, I'm not expecting any miracles." Floyd said. Which offended Spencer again, because just because the victim was black, and he made bad choices in his lifetime, didn't mean that he shouldn't be treated differently than any other victim of a murder. "And if we recover the weapon?" Spencer asked. "Bag it, and return it to Technical Services, now happy hunting!" Floyd said before he and his partner left. "This is a fist hump... just going through the motions." Cole said, with Spencer nodding. "You're probably right, let's just get it over, and done with, since it's not a priority." Spencer said, as he took out his flashlight, and started walking further down the alleyway. Spencer and Cole walked up to the door at the back of the alley, which had a huge blood splatter on it. "Shooter must have put the victim up against the wall, and blew his brains out." Spencer said. "Hell of a way to go." Cole said. "It doesn't matter how you go, once you're gone." Spencer said. "Don't get all deep in me, James." Cole said. Spencer then looked up and saw a reflection of something in the balcony window. It was a revolver, possibly the murder weapon, and base on the reflection, it looked like it was on the roof. "Cole, there's something on the roof, it could be the murder weapon, I'm going to see if I can find a way up there." Spencer said, with Cole scratching his head. "How the hell did you see that." Cole mumbled to himself, before Spencer found a drainpipe, leading up to the roof. He climbed up the drainpipe, and there it was, the gun. He picked it up and started to examine it. "Smith and Weston, serial S71893." Spencer said as he opens the cylinder. "Two rounds fired, instead of dropping it down a drain, the shooter hoisted it up here, interesting guy." Spencer said. "We have the gun Spence, let's take it back to central, we could get a commendation." Cole said, trying to not get in trouble, but Spencer shakes his head, as he climbs down the drainpipe. "Or we could come up with an owner." Spencer said. "That's a long shot, Spence." "It's a pretty fancy gun, do you know a local gun store?" Spencer asked. "Yeah, it's one a couple of blocks from here." Cole said, and then they get into the car and speed to the gun store.

They arrive at the gun store. "LAPD, do you know anything about this gun?" Spencer asked as he put it down on the table. "Smith and Weston, model 27, registered magnum, chambered for .357, nickel-plated, with pearl grips." The person said. "You seem to know a lot about the weapon." Spencer said. "I should, because I sold it, these guns, are available only through special order, here's my Smith and Westin order book." The person said as he put it down on the counter, with Spencer opening it, and then taking a look. He had to look for the specific details of the gun, Smith and Weston, model 27, registered magnum, chambered for .357, nickel-plated, with pearl grips. He then found them, next to a name, and address. "We're in luck, Damien Lee, 203 south gless street, ordered the gun on February 23, 1946." Spencer said as he closed the book. "Thanks, you've been a big help." Spencer said, as he and Cole left the gun store, and got into the car. "Do we call it in?" Cole asked, with Spencer shaking his head. "Let's see if he's at home, owning the gun doesn't mean he pulled the trigger." Spencer said, with Cole nodding. "Okay. In for a penny, in for a pound. Lead away, Gunga Din." Cole joked as Spencer drove off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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