'How Am I Special?'

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                       (Y/n's POV)

TW!! - Weapon - Crying

I woke up to the sun shining through the brim of my window, I got up and stretched, yawning. I was still a bit tired, but I had to get up since it wasn't too early in the morning, and I couldn't sleep forever. Besides, Cuddles wants me to meet some of the friends he has that I never met before, I was excited to see how they would be like! I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine, once I got out, I went to my closet to take out my F/o. I soon Finished and did my makeup a bit, grabbing my phone and keys, Cuddles soon called me, I answered...

Cuddles: "Hello?"

Y/n: "Hi Cuddles! What's up?"

Cuddles: "Oh! Hi Y/n!! I just wanted to know when you would be here?"

Y/n: "Don't worry you crazy Fluff Tail! I'll be there soon! Probably in 5 minutes!"

Cuddles: "Yaaay! See ya then?"

Y/n: "Yep! See ya then!"

I hung up, Oh Yeah! I almost forgot why I was even getting ready and looking cute so early in the day, Cuddles wanted me to be here as soon as possible to meet the rest of his friends in Happy Tree Town! I ran out of my room, through the house, and to the front door, leaving and locking the door behind me.

                ~Small time skip~

Once I made it to Cuddles' House, everyone from Happy Tree Town was there, 'I didn't know he wanted me to meet exactly everyone...' I thought in shock (Yes, Cuddles always throws big parties like this lol) "Y/n! Your here!" Cuddles Cheered, everyone there turned their heads my direction. The stares made me nervous, but The Mole found his way to me and Hugged me happily, I hugged back, The Mole was Blind, but he sure made a very kind and affectionate friend! After awhile of introducing myself to everyone, I came down to 3 more People "This is Flippy, Splendid, and Flaky!" Giggles introduced, Flippy, Splendid, and Flaky waved happily, I waved back kindly. They seem very nice! Toothy then got a bottle of Wine/Cider and popped the lid open with a bottle opener, Flippy started twitching and whimpering, knees to the floor with his hands on his head, a worried expression appeared on my face "H-Hey? Are you okay!?" I asked "S-Stay away from him! He has PTSD and does this every time he hears a loud sound!" The blue Ant Eater they call Sniffles said, I hesitantly stepped back. Soon, Flippy's Eyes became a bright Yellow Color, his teeth sharper than a knife, and a grin of a pyscho. He grabbed a Bowie Knife out of nowhere and started chasing everyone, like a game of tag. Fliqpy almost stabbed me right in my chest the moment I was cornered, he gave a proud laugh "Say Goodbye Sweetheart!!" He said, gripping the Knife in his hand tighter. I closed my eyes expecting to feel any pain whatsoever, but it never came...I opened one of my eyes just a little bit to see what happened, then both of my eyes, I saw that Fliqpy's arm have been held back to who I presume to be a Mime, the Mime looking Deer still with a grip on his arm, grabbed the nearest cup of water and splashed it on Fliqpy's face, which switched him back to Flippy. Who is this Mime? Why did he save me? How did he know how to save me? "Aaaak!! What Happened?! Did I hurt anyone?!" Flippy asked, Mime released his arm, shaking his head, Flippy soon signed in relief. Everyone soon came out of their hiding spots "Yaaaay!!! Mime saved us all!!!" Petunia cheered, soon everyone cheered, even me "Eep! Where are my manners! I thought I introduced you to everyone, but the only one I didn't introduce you to is Mime!" Giggles claimed, grabbing Mime's arm and pulling him in front of me. Mime soon lost balance and fell to the floor on top of me, using his arms as his only support. I stared into his eyes, as he stared into my E/c Eyes, He blushed from embarrassment, soon getting off of me, I blushed in embarrassment as well, face flushed with red "Oops! Looks like I shoved Mime Too Hard!" Giggles said sarcastically, meaning she did that on purpose. Mime reached his hand out to help me up, I accepted his offer, once I was up, he pulled me into a warm embrace. Everyone gave out long "Awwwwwwwee's and 'Oooooooooooooh's in cuteness, I hugged Mime back happily, he was so cuddly " Awwwwwwwe!!! I can't tell if Mime is apologising for falling on top of her or if he likes her!" Cuddles Said, Mime heard his comment and immediately pulled away, embarrassed. I giggled "No, Nobody will ever like her. She's not even that cute, like, not as cute as Petunia and Giggles." Disco Bear said, I was crushed from his words, Giggles and Petunia scoffed in annoyance from how he insulted me "Don't listen to Him Y/n! He's just being rude!" Petunia said as Giggles nodded "How am I being rude if its the truth! Just being honest. She kinda looks funny too." Disco Bear Protested, tears welled up in my eyes, embarrassed, I ran out of the party...

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