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My hands immediately began to tremble as they were still gripping my gown, murmurings filled the hall and the infuriated look on Luke’s face made it known to me that I was doomed. 

“You may kiss your bride.” The pastor repeated in a different tone.

Tristan still had his eyes drawn in askance at me. After glancing around shortly, he wore a smile, obviously to not make things look awkward since people from different media houses were here. 

“Bride,” he said through his smiling teeth, held my hands and pulled me closer to him, connecting his lips to mine. 

His kiss made every form of worry leave me instantly, it immediately felt like we were alone, in a heavenly place, as sparks continued to travel from my lips to my lungs, spreading to every part of my body in a twinkle of an eye. 

My entire world of sudden comfort came crumbling down after the kiss ended and I was drawn back into the real world; where there was fire on the mountain that was called 'my life’.

“And now it is my privilege to introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Hendrix.” The pastor announced and everyone, except their family members, clapped. 

After the recessional and the wedding ceremony, Indy, Luke, Kade, Hames, Trisha, Imogen, Nikita, Amanda, and Tyler, all came towards us.

“Hazel!” Lila exclaimed, looking so breathless, with beads of sweat on her forehead.

“Don’t create a scene, we wouldn’t want it to go viral. Stay calm, I’m sure all is fine.” Imogen said to her. 

“Stay calm?” She scoffed. “Where is Indy?” She snapped at me. 

“Uh…” I trailed off, “she eloped with her boyfriend.” 


“Boyfriend?” Imogen frowned. 

“Don’t create a scene here.” Hames added.

“We’ll meet at my house.” Tristan, who still had an expressionless face, grabbed my wrist to lead me out.

We all left the venue and were bombarded by flashes and questions from cameras and reporters:

—“wasn’t your bride supposed to be Indy Ricardo?”

—“What happened?”

—“Who is she?”

—“Isn’t she Indy’s best friend?”…

The questions weren’t ending, they were making me extremely nervous and all I could do was lower my head. 

While the bouncers were doing a great job in stopping them from reaching us, Tristan still had his hand wrapped around my wrist then he led me to the car while others left for their cars.

“Get in.” He gruffed. I got in then he did the same, shutting the door. “Home.” He simply said to the driver.

“I thought I was supposed to drive you to the airport.” The driver murmured, starting the car and zoomed out of sight. 

Tristan’s face seemed even colder, increasing my fear. My heart’s excessive pounding had taken my breath completely. 

Without a word, he only picked his phone, frowning harder than anyone could ever frown while typing furiously. Oh God…

After a few minutes of constantly glancing behind me to watch the cars of their other family members tailing far behind us, I finally decided to speak, “Tristan, did Indy—”

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