Chapter One Hundred

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[A/N] Blimey... How did it get this long? I don't remember writing so many chapters... Who here has secretly been adding chapters to my book? Hmmm... I am very suspicious of all of you...

Sex warning and all that. Repulsed asexuals have ten seconds to hide before I start going into graphic detail... ( `▽' )

[Belem's POV]

He stepped outside for a moment and thought I might collapse from apprehension.

So far I would be hard pressed to express my experience here as anything along the lines of torture. Perhaps the lack of sleep combined with the beatings I got, but nothing frightening enough that torture would truly be a valid name for it. 

Because of this I was stuck in waiting, waiting for them pull out a blade and discuss detaching my skin from my body, or pull out a set of plyers and ask me how much fun it would be to talk without any teeth. I had been told horror stories of it, I knew my master would have happily agreed to any of them, it was partly what forced my loyalty to him in the first place... before I began to feel loyalty that came from a place other than direct fear.

When he returned I turned to look at him and then focused my eyes on my knees.

He stepped closer and I pulled back, leaning away from him, watching him wearily. I didn't trust the man as far as I could throw him and I wasn't sure I could lift him if I tried. He was tall, broad-shouldered, but narrow, deceptively so. I knew the moment he grabbed my arm and pulled me forwards, I felt the force of lean muscle, the same that had knocked me out the first time we met.

I struggled, wide eyed and trying not to show any fear on my face but the truth was that I didn't know what to expect from him, didn't like how I responded to him.

"Afraid?" He asked me in a low voice.

I shook my head. "I can take it. I can take anything." I said, with all the stubborn confidence I could muster.

His fingers were warm on me, I was cold and almost shivering. "What if you cannot take it?" He asked, moving me back against the bars of the cell and pulled something like string or a thin rope against me, moving it behind me.

"Anything." I replied, my hands shaking, I hoped he would tie them back so that it would not be so visible but he made no attempt to.

His eyes almost appeared to me as gentle for a moment when he turned to look at me and I found myself ensnared by them without noticing. They were enigmatic eyes, hiding everything they could. I had met men like him before but never someone quite as attractive, quite so closed off, quite so beautiful.

And there he was, tying me back against the cell bars.

It took me a moment to look down and see the way my chest, shoulders and hips were tied back when he pulled the rope underneath me so that it was dangerously close to my cock and now very clearly inappropriate looking. I blushed severely to see just how indecent I must have looked to him.

He curved his lips when he saw my burning face.

"Anything?" He murmured.

My heart raced, trying desperately to keep myself from seeing a thousand images that would make my cock visibly flesh out. I nodded slowly.

"What is this?" I asked him, straining against the ropes that seemed far less abrasive than any other ropes I'd come into contact with. "What have you tied me with?"

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