Water Works

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Madelyn dries the tears from under the girls eyes. She grabs tissue and drowns it with water, she runs the girls cheeks trying to get rid of the mascara and roses cheeks. The mascara leave but the flaming cheeks just get more prominent.

The four girls stand up and decide to go back into the living room. Forrest walks timidly behind Maddison with her head down. Soon as the four set feet into the living room all five boys stand up in unison. Drew jumps for the girl, wrapping his arms tightly around her, never wanting to let go. Rudy hugs the two, then JD, then Austin and Chase. The three girls then join in. Most would say 'friend group hug', but to Forrest they weren't just friends, they were family.

Drew whispers in the girls ear, "Some people just can't be happy with what they have, but him, he must be lacking all five senses, to not see that you are the world and more." Immediately lightening the girls mood slightly.
"Thank you." She whispers back, her lips grazing his jaw.
The hug breaks apart and everyone stands in silence.
"MOVIE NIGHT!!" Rudy calls.
Everyone smiles and agrees.
As everyone sits around Forrest speaks.
"I don't want to go home." She says and everyone looks up at the girl, eyes wide.

Each Americans insides light up with joy, the Irish girls breaking a little. Victory always knew Forrest was going to move, it was inevitable, she just didn't like the thought of not living minutes from her best friend.

"You're moving here?" Chase asks slowly, as everyone else was afraid to speak.
Forrests head nods slightly.
"This all gives me one less reason to stay in Ireland. The only reason I would have to stay is my family, Jason, Jasmine and Of course this bitch here. They can fly over all the time and I can fly over there all the time." She petite girl try's to say normally, her voice breaking multiple times.

Forrest looks to Victory and sees her eyes water up, making her own water up. The two immediately get up and jump into each other's arms.
"I am going to miss you." Victory sobs into her best friends ear.
"Hey, don't say that, don't say that, I'll always just be one phone call away, or a plane ticket. Think of it, it takes one minute to book you a flight, 10 hours later and you're in my arms." Forrest cry's holding the back of her best friends head.
The two hug for a few seconds longer until they hear a sniffle breaking the silence.
Everyone turns to the direction it came from, Rudy. The boy has red cheeks as a few tears slip down his face. Madelyn and Maddison are also crying.
"Why are you guys crying?" Forrest asks wiping her tears letting out a dry laugh.
"Emotions are just high tonight." Rudy states smiling.

"Your still going tomorrow, yeah?" Austin asks the girl the question she didn't want to be asked.
She shakes her head, everyone gasps.
"No, no you have to go!!" Madelyn cries.
"Oh my fucking Forrest!!" JD calls.
"Dear god, knock some sense into this bitch!" Rudy prays.
"Why?" Drew asks sternly.
"I just don't think I can. All the glitz, glam, photos, it seemed more appealing a yesterday." Forrest says emotionless.
"No, I will not allow it! Not only are you doing that on Vic, your doing it on yourself. Imagine Forrest, imagine you did win, not being there to accept an Emmy! Your Forrest Brodigan, your stronger than this." Austin give out standing up and pointing.
"Imagine how good that would feel for Liam, seeing you up there tomorrow, not only is he seeing what he missed out on, but it will play with his mind. He would think he meant nothing to you. It would be the perfect revenge." Drew turns to the girl saying.
"I guess." Forrest gives up.

Her manager rings.
"I seen what happened, you good?"
"Yea, I think I'll be fine."
"Great, and I hate to have to ask this but, about tomorrow..."
"Im going."
"Im guessing that's what answer you were looking for?"
"Exactly! Well I'll let you get back to what you were doing. Ill see you at the studio tomorrow!"
"See you then!"
The call ends.

"Get a place with me!" Maddison suggests.
"And what we share a bed!?" The girl asks back as she lives in a one bedroom apartment.
"No I was looking for a new place!" Maddison laughs.
"Maddie, are you sure. I don't want you jumping into this because you feel bad for me, I don't mind living alone."
"What is there not to be sure about, I'd love to. Besides we practically live here anyways." She says gesturing to the boys place.
Everyone cheers.
"What's going to happen in Ireland?" Chase asks.
"Well I am going to have to go home and pack, I could go home in like two days, pack, say my good byes and come over like two days later!"
"Yesss!!" Everyone cheers.
"Well everyone, get looking for apartment!!" Maddison screams and everyone immediately jumps onto their phones.

"Your joking!!" Austin shouts aloud.
"What?!" Forrest asks.
"There is a two bedroom flat like two blocks from here!!" Austin shouts.
Everyone jumps up and huddles around his spot on the couch. He flicks through the photos.
"Both bedrooms have en-suites, both also have walk in closets, a big living room, a large bathroom, nice kitchen, balcony, a big closet and there is a massive pool and gym downstairs!" He says and everyone looks in awe.
"How much?" Chase asks.
"$4,200." He says cringing at the big price tag.
"Perfect!!" Forrest cheers.
"I love it!" Maddie smiles.

"Will I ring them up, you can ring your family or whatever?" Maddie asks.
"Yess please!" Forrest sings.

Both dial numbers on their phones. Maddison inquiring into the apartment, Forrest filling her parents in on everything. They were fully excited for their daughters dance her decision. They were happy her relationship with Liam was finally over, neither parent like him too much.

As Forrest hung up she heard screams from Maddison.
"ROOM MATE!!! We can move in next Thursday!!" Maddie screams.
"HOLY FUCK!! I was expecting to have to live in a hotel for like a month first!"
Everyone cheers and celebrates.

The group sit and talk about their future ahead, and how much more fun it is to be. The clock turns 10 and everyone decides to go home.

Forrest and Victory are the last to leave. Drew decides to walk the girls down to the taxi, knowing Forrest was the hot topic all around the world. If paparazzi caught glimpse of her, she'd be done for. Before they get in the taxi, Forrest engulfs Drew in a tight hug. The boy was happily surprised, wrapping his long arms around the girls tiny waist as his head lays on hers.
"Thanks, Drew." She says separating from the boys don't getting in the car.

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