Chapter 74

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Amelia POV
Gender reveal day! 💙💓

Today was my official day of the gender reveal. I was beyond excited. I woke up happy as hell until I realized Kentrell was gone. I just knew he wasn't about to be out with no bitch on the day of our gender reveal. But he wasn't he said he was handling something for his music. I had to start trusting him if I wanted to be with him forever. I was in my room doing my hair when Keyanna came in.

"Mya and Melanie waiting for you" Keyanna said
"Okay I'm coming. " I said

I got up and walked into the living room with Kentrell and everybody were.

"Okay, bae Ima see you later. I gotta go make my haircut appointment" Kentrell said kissing me
"Okay" I said
"You ready?" Melanie asked
"Yeah. " I said
"Me and Keyanna staying back. We gotta start helping them" Mya said
"Okay be back in a hour or 2" I said locking the door

Me and Melanie hopped in the car and drove off.

"I'm so happy for you girl" Melanie said
"Me too. I'm beyond excited " I said smiling
"I want to tell you so bad" Melanie said
"Dont say nothing I wanna wait until 3pm" I said
"Oh I'm not. " Melanie said

We drove and talked about life until we made it to the shop. I hopped out and walked into the hair solon. It was packed so many girls were in there.

"Hey girl" The woman said to my sister
"Hey, this Amelia, Amelia this Keshia" Melanie said
"Nice to meet you and congratulations on your baby"Keshia said
"Thank you. " I said smiling
"So how do you want your hair? Any ideas?" Keshia asked
"Straight with curls. It would match my dress" I said
"Okay girl. Well let's get you washed up " Keshia said

I sat in the chair and laid back. She took the bun out of my head and started washing my hair. It felt so good with her nails in my hair. I could really fall asleep right now.

1hr later...

My hair was finally finished. Keshia did her thing and I had to give it to her. Melanie and makeup people here to do my makeup and everything looked so good. They said they would come back down the house later to freshen me up if I needed it.

"Thank you so much!" I said looking in the mirror
"You welcome" Keshia said
"What you doing around 3pm?" I asked
"Nothing I'm off. Why?" I asked
"You wanna come to my gender reveal?" I asked
"Aww Fr?" Keshia asked
"Of course. That's the thank you present for me" I said
"What should I wear?" Keshia asked bouncing my hair
"Pink or blue" I said
"Okay i gotchu" Keshia said

Keshia took a video of my hair.


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Okay. Thank you and I'll see you later" I said
"You welcome girl" Keshia said sitting back in her seat

I walked back outside and hopped in the car. I couldn't wait to get home and show Kentrell I don't think he actually saw my hair like this.

"You can eat when you get home. We had food ordered over to the house" Melanie said
"What food do y'all have for the gender reveal?" I asked
"Meatballs and stuff. Finger food" Melanie said
"Aww y'all have everything planned out. Thank you" I said
"You welcome. I can't wait until you find out what this little one is" Melanie said rubbing my stomach
"Me either" I said

We dove home talking and listening to music. I was very tired but I knew I had a long day ahead of me.

We finally pulled into the driveway and I got out. I seen people at the back putting things together.

"Nope. No peeking" Melanie said grabbing my hand
"Why" I said
"Because it's a surprise" Melanie said opening the door
"Wait right here" Melanie said

I waited and then she finally came back.

"Keep your eyes closed" Melanie said pulling me

I walked in to see family and friends all here. It wasn't a packed house but it was a full house. Kentrells auntie was even here.

"Okay, open" Melanie said smiling
"Aww you look so pretty" Mya said
"Thank you"I said smiling
"You look sexy bae" Kentrell said
"Thank you baby" I said
"You look beautiful" Mrs Sherhonda said
"Thank you!" I said
"How's everything going outside?" I asked
"It's looking good girl. And you look so pretty" Keyanna said
"Thank you. I want to see so bad" I said
"They won't let me see either bae" Kentrell said
"She here" Keyanna said
"Who's here?" I asked

I heard the front door open. And y'all couldn't believe who I saw.

"Omg!" I said smiling
"Aww you look so beautiful " Cardi said
"I-" I said

I really couldn't believe the Cardi b was standing in my living room.

"She shocked" Kentrell said chuckling
"Hey Kentrell" Cardi said
"Wassup " Kentrell said
"Why you ain't just let her have all your kids. She's beautiful " Cardi said playing in my hair
"Thank you" I said
"You want a hug?" Cardi asked
"Yess" I said hugging her
"Ive heard so much about you girl" Cardi said
"Girl I love you" I said
"What time is it?" Mya asked
"Just hit 1:30" Keyanna said
"Well y'all can make y'all self at home" I said
"I'm about to go eat" I said

I went into the kitchen to find me something to eat. I seen chicken and macaroni in the bags so I grabbed a leg and a little bit of macaroni. The baby was kicking and everytime the baby kicked I knew they were hungry.

"How you feel baby?" Kentrell asked smiling
"It all feels so unreal" I said
"You deserve it. How you feel about the Cardi b in the living room" Kentrell asked
"I'm happy. Who else is coming?" I asked
"A bunch of other people" Kentrell said
"I love you sooo much" I said hinging Kentrell
"I love you more baby" Kentrell said

I was beyond excited. Everything was coming together. It was close to time to find out. I really don't know how everything would go because Melanie and Mya are the host. So I guess I'll find out when I start.

-It's almost that time!💙💓
-Yes I'm adding rappers in there. Don't tell me if they don't get along or not in real life. Because it's just a book!

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