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"Seriously you say you wanna eat healthy then order a whole ass burger

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"Seriously you say you wanna eat healthy then order a whole ass burger. Why?" I ask Gabrielle

"It's my cheat day" she shrugs

"You said yesterday was your cheat day" Jazmin says

"I get two cheat days" Gab laughs

"Anyway, Camille. What's been going on with you & fine ass Tyler Brown?" Kori asks

"I really wish you stop saying that" I shake my head "Anyway, we're really just feeling each other out to be sure we got good chemistry"

"Mhm.. Do he have a girlfriend?" She asks

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" Gab asks

"Nope I'm done with his ass" she says

"Oh you was foreal this time?" Brooklyn asks

"Yes I was deadass. I'm tired of the same shit with his ass. Like I can't be your rock and you a fucking pain in the ass" we laugh seeing she was dead serious

"Well at least you & East have a chance now" I smirk she waves me off

"Please East is like a brother to me" she lies

"Yeah right, Kor you've liked that man since the day y'all got suspended together in 4th grade when he beat that boy up for you" Jazmin says

"Nah she started liking him when he got that girlfriend in the 7th grade and she was jealous" Gabrielle says

"No she liked him since the day we went to the fair and they got on that ride together they was laughing and staring into each others eyes and stuff" Brooklyn says

"Oh my God, I've liked him since we kissed on the roof in middle school. Y'all erky" Kori says

"Y'all did what?" Brook asks

"Don't worry about it. Can we please just change the subject?" She rolls her eyes

"Aight Jaz, where's Brielle?" I ask

"In the house boo'd up" she smiles

"Oo Marshawn's back from Columbia?" Gabrielle smirks

"Yeah they been in the house for the last few days. Y'all know how that go" Jazmin says

My phone dings and I tune out of the conversation.

Tbreezy😒: Yo my brother throwing a party.. You should come. N bring ya friends

: Aii, what time?

Tbreezy😒: 830.. But you know shit ain't gone be popping till an hour after

: Ok👌🏾 text me the address

"Aye there's a party going on y'all wanna slide?" I ask

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