Chapter 1

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The bus hushed to a stop at the station, kicking up dirt. Dipper, Mabel, and Waddles ran out, carrying their luggage behind them. They were met by the bright Oregon sun and the crisp scent of pines.

"Soos!" Mabel yelled and jumped into Soos' arms. "You look great in a suit!" His outfit was almost identical to Grunkle Stan's "Mr. Mystery" suit, though he'd left the staff at the Shack.

"Haha, thanks dude," blushed Soos.

"It's great to see you guys again!" Dipper said. Waddles oinked in agreement.

"Yo, Mabel, Dipper! And Waddles! Wassup!" said Wendy.

"THE SKY!" yelled Mabel. Wendy gave her a fistbump.

"Classic Mabel," Wendy laughed. She looked a little strange without her fur hat covering her spring of red hair, though Dipper didn't mind. After she'd given it to him last summer, he'd worn it everywhere back in California. He'd had to take a break, though, after his teachers said it "violated the school dress code". He'd packed it into his backpack for the summer.

"Come on, let's get you two settled into the Shack. You guys have no idea how much you've been missing out on," said Wendy. She took the first of Mabel's three hot-pink heavy-duty suitcases she'd brought as the bus rolled away. Dipper sported only a large backpack. Mostly because his luggage consisted of two shirts, two pairs of pants, and a few other essentials. Mabel, on the other hand, had brought her entire sweater collection, which had only grown with the passing school days.

Soos led them to the car, which Grunkle Stan had apparently tossed him the keys to while he and Grunkle Ford were away at sea. Wendy loaded the trunk as the twins stepped into the back.

"Ugh, how many sweaters did you bring, Mabel?" Wendy groaned.

"Four-hundred fifty-eight!" said Mabel. Wendy rolled her eyes. The suitcases were cramming the trunk, forcing her to tie them down with rope, so Dipper stuffed his backpack underneath the worn cushions to give her some relief. Mabel plopped down on the seat next to him as Waddles crawled over her lap.

"Ah, just like good times," she sighed, patting the edge of the car. "Hey! You guys kept my juice spill!"

"We kinda had no choice, dude," Soos chuckled.

Soos took the driver's place while Wendy walked around to the front. She tapped the window. "I'm gonna go hang out with Tambry and the gang, so I'll see you guys later, kay?"

"Cool beans," Dipper gave her a thumbs-up. Wendy grinned, then stepped back. Soos turned the ignition keys and the engine roared to life. Dipper and Mabel shared excited looks.

"Alright, let's go dudes!" said Soos.

"Whoo!" shouted Mabel, shooting a fist into the air. The car rumbled and started moving at a snail's pace. It rolled a few feet that way. "Whoo!" Mabel repeated. Then Soos stepped on the gas, and they raced towards the Shack.

They drove along the dirt road bordering the Gravity Falls forest. Dipper and Mabel stuck their heads outside the windows, squinting through the trees for any abnormal creatures and chatting to Soos about Piedmont.

"No one believed us when we said we fought monsters and saved the world!" grinned Mabel.

"What?" Soos shouted over the turbulence.

"School was kinda boring. But even still, they gave us homework almost every night," said Dipper.

"I mean, it's not that unbelievable! We never met space mutants or anything!" cried Mabel.

"What about Time Baby?" Dipper pointed out.

"Huh. Good point!" said Mabel.

"What?" Soos repeated.

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