How You Meet Them

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Stella: You get assigned to your bunk and there this beautiful women is. With light green eyes like nature, covered in tattoos from head to toe and short brunette hair. She came back from maximum security. You had already heard about her from Nicky but you never knew you'd had this, 'love at first sight' connection. You guessed she felt the same, a smile lite up on her face as she saw you walking over with your stuff to settle in with her.

Daddy: After entering maximum security, you felt lost and alone. You got separated from all your friends and people you classed as family, left with no one. At first her crew saw you as an item, someone to mess around with but she wasn't going to have that. One day, she greeted you with her presence letting you know that she's always here if you needed someone. After that day, you grew closer.

Alex: You already knew Alex from high school. She hooked up with a lot of people in high school including you. But you were her favourite and no one could beat you. She always had a special place for you in her heart although you two only hooked up, you fell deep. A couple years passed and your relationship never went further until you met again. In prison.

Nicky: You knew Nicky through Red who is your mother. When you got sent to prison, it was the same one as Red so she looked after you as is a mother's duty. She got Nicky to show you the ropes. From there you two got close and formed an unbreakable bond. Turning into something more than friends. Of course at first Red was a little suspicious of the relationship as she was very protective of you and knew of Nicky's reputation but eventually she grew to accept it.

Tricia: You and Tricia were both in the same circle but never really talked. All you knew of her was that she was a junkie coming back and forth from detox and SHU. One night you went into the toilets and heard crying and screaming from one of the showers so you go to investigate it. Turned out it was Tricia, going through withdrawal symptoms, you knew very well of these from detoxing yourself. You help her from the floor to the sinks, you splash cold water on her face and just walk her through the whole process. After that, she respected you a lot more and decided she'd make an effort to speak to you. Your relationship grew from there.

Daya: You knew Daya as she dated your younger brother John. John Bennett. They had a rocky relationship right from the beginning but you and Daya got on like a house on fire. A few years later, Daya had enough of it so she called it off completely with John. You heard nothing from her after that until you bumped into her in prison. You were both lost for words but reconnected just like old times. You started to feel things about her that you hadn't felt before. You pondered thinking it was wrong that you were dating your brothers ex but nether the less, love never fails.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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