Part Eight: Chapter Sixty-Nine: May

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Ahsoka thought she knew war.

She'd fought on the front lines of one for three and a half years, having been in dozens of fights and battles before she was sixteen.

Still, it had been one thing for Ahsoka to participate in a war from the front lines, briefing the Council back on Coruscant about battles and any other findings. It was entirely different being in charge of the entire war campaign. Sitting in meetings with generals about strategy and how to protect the planets that had joined their cause. Sitting with High Command and Senators about how to persuade more systems to their side, particularly the neutral worlds that somehow managed to maintain their autonomy from the Empire at all. Directing generals and commanders to go on various types of missions. Being talked out of taking some missions herself because it was too dangerous and she was too important to lose, even temporarily by just losing contact.

Compared to this, Ahsoka almost wished for the days of the Clone Wars on the frontlines as a general. Better than that. A commander under her master. Vader had shielded her from many of the responsibilities that her military rank was supposed to come with. They'd had their issues out on the field and clashed with those who weren't on the front lines because of it, but at least they'd only had to worry about themselves and their troops. Not three campaigns in three different sectors happening simultaneously. Not approving the training for new recruits. Not meeting with generals to strategize. Not meeting with senators and local leaders about needs and aid and fears that the Empire would invade their planet because of their rebellion.

A knock on her office door interrupted her self-pity party.

"Come in."

"Are you done?" Rex asked, poking his head into the room.

Ahsoka sighed. "Almost."

"You said that two hours ago."

"Did I?"

"Yep," Rex said, handing Ahsoka a water bottle and a bottle of pain meds. "Diya told me before she left to make sure you take these for your headaches. Obi-wan said that you need to go get a physical. I agree with him."

"Oh yeah?" Ahsoka asked, standing from her desk and taking the offered items.

"I do. And so would the General," Rex said pointedly. "He told me to make sure you weren't working too hard, and that's exactly what you're doing. Have you even eaten today?"

The fact that Ahsoka couldn't remember probably answered that.

"No wonder everyone's worried about you taking care of yourself and Obi-wan thinks you should get checked out."

"I'll have you know I just recently got a checkup," Ahsoka replied.

Rex clearly didn't believe her.

"Honest," Ahsoka said, holding up her hands.

She understood why Rex had reason to doubt. More often than not, she brushed off any trips to the medics after a mission, citing that she only needed a quick rest and she'd be fine. But a checkup had been one of the first things she'd done upon their relocation to their new base. Mostly to make sure her contraceptive implant was in working order and to update it. She may have a reckless streak, but not with this. Though she'd never begrudge the circumstances that forced her into becoming a mother, the last thing she wanted or needed was to end up pregnant. Besides, childbirth did not look fun when she'd seen Padmé, a human, go through it. Togruta, she'd heard, went through a similar process. But it was much quicker and a lot more painful. Ahsoka would pass.

Rex didn't need to know all that, though. He'd just have to trust her about it.

"Where are the twins?" Ahsoka asked as she swallowed down one of the headache meds.

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