When Daeva stepped into her school, she wore a bright smile. The smile that could flash like those cheesy 90's movies. Her laugh was contagious, a fever you couldn't sweat out. Priding herself in the aura she wore; skimming through the slim halls radiating potential into others. People resented her for the pure happiness she wore, others solely envied her. Both were ignored blissfully by our Daeva. Nothing could hurt her.

Her first period wasn't much too special. Wandering throughout the halls from class to class the entire day. It was by sixth period where she longed for the feeling of her home, her cat, and her backyard. The feeling of outside where she sits out with pure joy spreading across her face. The feeling of prickly grass hovering her skin as she engulfed the burning sun, captivating its luminosity. Figuratively, of course.

Resisting to slouch in her chair, she turns to the person next to her. Examining him for a slight second, she finds furrowed brows topping his translucent green eyes which are only part of the perfectly sculpted facial structure. She notices his hair slightly flopping over his forehead, and scrolls down to the rest of him where his hands are twiddling back and forth on the desk in front of his slouched body. He appears weary, like there was nothing for him to focus on. When he looks up at her with an annoyed yet intrigued look, she takes this as an opening.

"Does it ever bother you with your hair in your face like that?" She questioned with only good intent. To the boy, it only came off as passive-aggressive.

"Does it ever bother you to be so fucking cheery all the time?" He hits back, trying to push her off of him. He never understood why she was always so happy. There was nothing to be so ecstatic about.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to be mean, I was just curious." Daeva, defeated, decided to put her attention back to the front. He let out a sigh of relief when he realized he didn't have to push any more.

Daeva let out her sigh of relief when the period was over. Meaning she can finally go back home to her lovely cat, and the lovely outside.

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