Months pass by and the pair have gotten closer. They've been going out a bit, but everything only reminded Daeva of everything before this point. She wished there was stability, but there was none when she can't stop from lying to avoid interaction with food. Her faints have been more common, and there wasn't much Daeva could take. But she pushed just to make everything work with Nick. She didn't want to fuck another thing up again.

"Y'know you didn't deserve any of that, right?" Nick broke the comfortable silence where they were sitting in her backyard at night.

Daeva let out a quiet hum, trying to show agreement but she didn't believe it.

"I'm serious. He was just a dick." He keeps going, Daeva wanted to ask him to stop but he seemed passionate.

"If he was a dick, he wouldn't have had such a small dick" Daeva retaliated, lightly laughing.

Nick laughed along, but he knew she wasn't believing what he was saying.

"You cant buy into his shit. He wasn't the 'love of your life', Dae." Nick points out. Daeva didn't process what he said, instead she focused on the nickname given to her. She was never given a nickname. It's so stupid, but so monumental.

"Dae." She says slightly above a whisper, mainly just to say it out loud.

"Is that okay?" Nick asks, looking over at her seeking for a reaction.


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