A new plan.

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-2 years later-
I was walking down the streets of New York, ever since the whole crazy fight and the marriage....I left to be here and the guys went to different places as well. Jack went with Merritt to the house the eye gave us me and Jack we're....still together.
   "Hey! Watch were your going!" I looked up and saw the guy already leaving but I felt like I knew him from somewhere. Shrugging I walked into my apartment I was renting.
"Well look at you still haven't change a bit well your hair is different." I looked up and saw the group.
"And she's dressed as a girl." Henley who had me in a death hug. "Also your hair its so pretty"
I laughed and got out and looked at everyone and lastly at jack. Looking away quickly I looked at the gang
"What are you doing here?" They smiled and gave me a packet. Looking over it I knew we had another long journey. Sighing I walked into my room and I grabbed my unpacked bags (which are only 2) and backpack. "Ok im ready lets go." The guys walked out and I followed behind.
--time skip--
   After the ride in a taxi we got in a plane to head down to Florida where the house was and would get everything planned out.
"Hey can I talk to you alone" jack grabbed my hand and dragged me into a random room in the house. "Look I know your still mad or upset from what happened but please forgive me"
"jack I saw you kissing her. I know you were drunk but it hurt a lot." Sighing I looked down thinking and knew I couldn't hate him forever. I love him, "ok I forgive you" he smiled and picked me up spinning me around.
"Thank you so much. I dont know what I could do without you" I smiled and lay down on the bed going to sleep.

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