The Return

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Dianne's: POV

I am sad that I am leaving my family today but at the same time I cannot wait until I can be back with Joe again. I have missed him dearly and can't wait to hear all about what he has been up to while I was gone and tell him all about how my family are doing.
I made my way to the aeroplane and got ready for the flight to take off as it was about to take off I got a goodnight text from Joe. He had no idea that I was coming home today he wasn't expecting me until next week. I answered the message and sat back to take in the take off.
A few hours had past and we had finally landed Joe had already messaged me a good morning and said he was heading to Zoe and Alfie's for the day but little did he know that Alfie was picking me up
from the airport so that I could surprise Joe.
After Alfie had picked me up I was at the Zalfie household waiting outside for Zoe to give me the cue to come and surprise Joe.
There was the nod everything was ready I hear Alfie tell Joe that the pool was ready and that Zoe was going to get some snacks, as they made there way towards the pool Zoe came and brought me through a side door into the house and handed me a plate of strawberries. We walked out the house into the backyard as Zoe called out to the boys I walked out seeing Joe's face as it went from happy about the food to confusion to then excitement. Joe got out the pool as I placed the plate on the table and ran towards him. He embraced me in his arms as he picked me up and spun me around. Once he put me back down he gently placed a passionate kiss on my lips.
We walked back over to Zoe and Alfie with our hands intertwined with Joe telling me how much he had missed me. We sat down on the outdoor couch and talked about my trip every now and then Joe would whisper in my ear about how good I looked with a tan and how much he missed me.

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