Chapter 35

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The Pope Sixtus was dead

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The Pope Sixtus was dead.  Vienna and her family had just come home from the funeral. They were having the memorial service at their mansion now so many people were present. 

Vienna saw Joanna de Actius, Andrea's mother and Sixtus's wife and now widow.  Vienna walked up to her and sat down next to her.  "Hi Joanna"  Joanna turns and smiles at Vienna "Vienna, Hi. You shouldn't be so unfamiliar with grief?"  Vienna smiles "No. I have lost both my parents, my brother and a dear friend of mine"  Joanna smiles "My apologies"  Vienna shakes her head "No this isn't about me, it's about you. You have lost your husband i can't imagine that. I don't know what i would do if i lost Andrea"  Joanna smiles "Then i hope you get the chance to die first because i don't wish this pain on anyone" 

Giovanna is in her room takes a deep breath. She knows who is soon gonna visit her.  Girolamo walks into her room and closes the door qucikly.  She has her back turned to him so he takes a hold of her waist from behind.  She hates when he holds her this close.   He smells her hair.  He pulls away for a second but then turns her around so she looks at him.  He pulls her in and kisses her with force.  She doesn't kiss him back.  He pulls away and smiles at her.  He caresses her cheek "I'm not gonna lai with you tonight but i need to speak with you, So be good and sit down" Giovanna sighes and nods.  She sits down on the bed and he sits next to her.

"I have some news for you Giovanna.  As you know i have a wife"  Giovanna nods "Caterina Sforza Riario"   Girolamo nods "Yes. But she isn't the one i want so with my uncle gone now i have decided to put her aside so i can marry the one i actually want"  Giovanna takes a deep breath "Who?"  Girolamo smirks "You"  Giovanna feel like she can't breath, she can't marry him.  "My parents would never allow it"  Girolamo chuckles "I know. Which is why when it's time i will kill them"  Giovanna is shocked.  Girolamo stands up and starts walking towards the door.  But before he turns to look at Giovanna "Remember. Don't tell anyone"  Giovanna nods.  Girolamo walks out.  But Giovanna knows now more than ever she needs to tell someone. 

Giovanna had told one of the servants to bring her mother.  Giovanna takes a deep breath and after a few minutes Vienna comes in.  "Hi dear, you wanted to speak with me" Giovanna takes a deep breath "Yes um please sit"  Vienna is confused but sits down.  "Okay what is it?"  Now Giovanna starts tearing up, she is scared.  Now Vienna is worried and take a hold of Giovanna's hand "Okay Giovanna you're scaring me what's wrong? You know i would never judge you" Giovanna nods and takes a deep breath "There is something that's been going on, for years actually.  I just was too scared to tell you but i need to" Vienna just looks at her "Go on"   Giovanna takes a deep breath "Uncle Girolamo has been abusing me. He has since i was 14 forced me to lai with him"  Vienna is furious "You're saying that Your uncle, your father's cousin  has been raping you, taken your virginity"  Giovanna looks at her mother crying "Yes" She is sobbing.  Vienna sits next to Giovanna and takes her into a hug "My darling i am so sorry. I'm gonna kill him"  Giovanna pulls away "But there's more"  Vienna looks at her shocked "What?"  Giovanna sighes "Today after the funeral he came into my rom and kissed me.  Then he told me he was planning to kill Caterina, his wife. Because he wants to make me his wife"  Vienna scoffs "Me and your father would never let that happen"  Giovanna nods "I know and he knows that too.  Which is why he is planning to kill you and father"  Vienna shakes her head "I can't believe this"  Vienna turns to look at Giovanna "I'm not gonna let you be alone with him ever again. I promise" Giovanna nods "But he can't know that i have told you because the reason why it took me so long to tell you is because from the beginning he told me that if i ever told anyone he would kill me and you and father. That's why i kept quiet because i knew when he threatened someone he meant it"  Vienna sighes "Okay. You should tell your father, i can tell  him if you want?" Giovanna nods "Please tell him for me"  Vienna nods "Okay but he will probably want to speak with you later"  Giovanna nods. 

Vienna walks to Andrea's study.  Vienna looks at her husband "Andrea we need to talk"  Andrea is writing down stuff "Soon my love"  Vienna shakes her head "No now! It's important"  Andrea looks up and sees Vienna has tears streaming down her face and is shaking.  Andrea stands up and walks over to her "Vienna what's wrong?"  Vienna walks over to the door and closes it so no one can disturb them.  "Your Cousin Girolamo has been for the last three years has been sexually abusing our daughter. Laying with her against her will"  Andrea breath out a shaky breath "Oh god. I'm gonna kill him"  Vienna takes a firm grip on his hand "We both will but that is not all"  Andrea looks at her confused "What?"  Vienna takes a deep breath "He wants to marry her so he plans to put Caterina aside and because he knows we would never allow it he is planning to kill us"  Andrea scoffs "He is out of his mind"  Vienna takes a deep breath "But he can't know we know" Andrea looks at her "Why?"   Vienna sighes "She told me that the reason why she didn't tell us sooner is because he threatened to kill her and us and we both know that when says something he means it."  Andrea sighes "I know"  Vienna takes a deep breath "We will hatch a plan, he wll not be alone with her and we will just have to make excuses and she will always servants or guards around her. He is never gonna touch her again and when the time is right we will kill him" Andrea nods "Good.  Now i'm gonna go and speak with our daughter"  Vienna nods and Andrea walks out. 

Andrea walks into Giovanna's room and sees her sitting on the bed "Giovanna?"  She looks up and sees him "Dad?"  He smiles and walks up to her and sits next to her.  Andrea turns to look at her "I'm so glad you told us but may i ask why didn't you feel you couldn't tell us before?" Giovanna sighes "I was scared. I didn't wanna lose you"  Andrea sighes "So you would rather live in this misery to protect us?" Giovanna smiles "Yes" Andrea sighes and brings her into a hug.  "I'm so sorry we couldn't protect you. I promise you this will never happen again and you will never be alone with him again"  Andrea pulls away "Because this has been going on since you were 14 i need to ask. Did he ever make you with child" Giovanna looks down but nods.  Andrea gasps "When?"  Giovanna looks up with tears streaming down her face.  "I was 15 but i lost the baby really early so i didn't have to tell you"  Andrea sighes "Me and your mother are hatching a plan and we will not let you be alone with him again.  He is not gonna find out we know and when he wants to see you we're gonna make excuses. You will have guards and servants around you at all times so this will never happen again and when the times comes we're gonna kill him"   Giovanna smiles and nods.

Michelle Fairley as Joanna de Actuis

Michelle Fairley as Joanna de Actuis

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A very Giovanna centric episode.   Now Vienna and Andrea know what Riario has been doing to their daughter. I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts.

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