practice on a rainy day - midorima shintarou

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𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂

It all started with Kise. He painfully suffered from a fever the previous week during his photoshoot. No one paid much mind to it - believing that it was just him being stubborn and overworking himself. Nobody thought that it could've been a bug going around. Kise's stubbornness resulted in him missing 3 days of practice and Coach Sanada was not so pleasant about it.

The clouds were the kind of grey that would make any quarry rock proud. With all that swirling water in the sky, condensation was bound to happen sooner rather than later. Cancer was placed last in Oha Asa horoscopes that day. Even procuring his 'lucky item' did not make Midorima feel any better. The subtle ache at the back of his skull began to feel apparent.

Regardless, Midorima still proceeded with going to school despite feeling under the weather - it was probably his pride that made that soon to be awful decision. The journey to school felt as if he was being chased by the police. He never felt so breathless in his life - even though he was just walking to school at a regular pace.

School was ever so dreadful - from the continuous ringing of the bells to the loud and boisterous sounds from the teacher. It did nonentity to help as the back of his head sent pains to the rest of his brain. Never once had he wished he had skipped school on that one particular day - regretting his earlier, ignorant decision.

The sound of the last school bell sent relief down Midorima's spine. Finally, he was able to saunter home - not wanting anyone else to see him in his weak state. He was just about to move from his slouching position on the desk when a pink-haired male started walking in his direction.

"For today's training, I want the first string to have a practice match with the second string," Akashi explained. Midorima's eyes grew wide and only nodded as a response - not trusting his voice as he knew his response would come out as croaked. How could he have forgotten that he had basketball practice. His plans to go straight home were foiled.

The watery alphabet of the clouds comes to sing upon the roof of their school. They ambled their way towards the basketball court. The downpour was not in Midorima's favour either - he was slightly shivering from the chilling weather and from the feels of it, he might have contracted a fever on top of his headache, now turned migraine.

Something must be wrong after Midorima missed his shot twice in a span of 10 minutes. "Midorima-kun, what happened? Are you okay?" Kuroko questioned with slight worry. Seeing their shooting guard typically at a 100% accuracy to missing shots is a rare occurrence.

He gave up.

He gave up trying to act strong in front of his teammates as the black spots filled his vision. Midorima only crumpled to the floor as a response to Kuroko's concern. He clutched his head as the migraine felt like needles piercing through his brain. He felt disastrous - the feeling of nausea, coldness and soreness that he was trying to ignore and suppress came rushing towards him at high speed.

Midorima could hear the cries of his teammates shouting his name in frantic. He was now lying on the cold, hard floor of the basketball court exhausted. Unexpectedly, he felt a soft, cold hand pressed over his forehead. "It seems that Shintaro has a fever and a headache. We'll take him to the infirmary and let him rest. The rest of you will continue with the game." Akashi ordered.

Murasakibara carried Midorima from the floor and placed him on his back while Kuroko and Kise helped to pack his bag. Murasakibara piggybacked him and due to their curiosity, all the Generation of Miracles followed along towards the infirmary. Never once had they seen their Vice-Captain in such a vulnerable state. They can't help but feel sympathy for the green-haired male.

Midorima could scarcely remember what had happened after he embarrassingly dove to the ground. When he gained consciousness, he was as confused as a chameleon in a bag of skittles. In that fever, he shivered under those thick blankets. It was a roller coaster that appeared to have peaked. The room was filled with darkness from the drawn curtains - adding slight ease to his migraine. He thanked mentally to whoever that drew them.

"How are you feeling Midorima?" the nurse inquired. "Much worse actually," wincing at how gravely his voice sounded. The nurse informed him he will need a guardian to fetch him from school as he is in no condition to walk by himself. Then, Akashi offered to call one of his drivers to drive Midorima home as he knew Midorima's parents were out of town due to a business trip. Murasakibara again carried Midorima down to where the car was, however, now in a bridal position.

Midorima hid his face in Murasakibara's chest trying to hide how his cheeks were blushing from shame and self-consciousness. At that moment, the embarrassment was immense not just because his teammates saw him in a powerless state but also because he was being carried in a bridal style. His classmates would be sure to poke fun at him if they saw him being carried like that. Nevertheless, he felt thankful to have such helpful and supportive teammates or rather - caring and sympathetic friends.

The morning sun made its appearance again. The glistering sunlight was shining on Midorima's face and it woke him up. The loneliness was slowly getting to him - all by himself in his three story bungalow. At around 3 p.m, the Generation of Miracles would come knocking on his door bringing fruits as a 'get well soon' gift. This routine continued on for about 4 days until Midorima was in his tip-top condition.

After what felt like weeks, Midorima had finally recovered. The Generation of Miracles paid him a visit every day without fail just to see how their prideful teammate was holding up. The unpleasant days were finally over and from that, Midorima learnt not to overestimate his capabilities especially when he was unwell.

𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂
hi there! i will edit this fic in my free time and maybe add another chapter as i'm not satisfied with it just yet. this would probably be in nov/dec tho as my national exams are coming 🥲 if you wouldn't mind, please write a comment or vote if you enjoyed reading this! i really love to hear what you think when reading. anyways, to whoever out there who's birthday is today, happy birthday and i hope you have an amazing day ahead! <33

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