6. Love in the air

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✦❘༻ Love in the air ༺❘✦

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✦❘༻ Love in the air ༺❘✦


If he’s a serial killer, then what’s the worst / That can happen to a girl who’s already hurt?


"Hey I heard a new freak show is coming to town. Wanna go together?" Aera, Faina's only best friend asks as they are walking in the college corridor. She is lost deep in the thought to even answer her. Mind twirling with the thoughts of dinner last week. The most hurtful thing was he didn't even contact her after that sinful day.

"Babe? Are you okay?" Aera waves her hand at her. Faina forces a half smile and nods.

"I'm sorry, I drifted," she says. "What were you saying?"

"About the freak show? Wanna come?"

"Yeah, sounds like fun," she flashes her thumb in an attempt to show her agreement.

When they reach a turn at the corridor, they hear audible whispers from the girls passing by. The whispers only get louder when they take a turn. Aera huffs when she sees a huge swarm of girls walk past them giggling.

"One new man in the campus and everyone acts like a goddamn - whoa who is that hottie," she freezes in her steps. Faina has already lost her last bit of sanity after seeing the person.

"Glad I'm single," Aera smiles.

So he is just standing there. Like it's his personal patio. His tinted glasses are really unnecessary on a not so sunny day and he is wearing a black crew neck t-shirt with something scribbled in Russian on it. His all black skinny jeans, leaves a little to imagination. She almost forgets how mad she is at him because he is unbelievably gorgeous.

This is the first time she has seen him in something other than a suit.

He looks at her and smiles. She doesn't. He licks his lip and walks towards her.

"Don't you dare Jimin," she mutters under her breath.

"Hi baby," he takes off his glasses and smiles tilting his head.


"What's with the long face?" Jimin asks, his icy gray eyes fixed on the road ahead. Faina doesn't bother to turn.

"Where are we going? Oh wait somewhere where you can humiliate me again right? Is it a different woman this time?" She says and turns towards the window again.

Jimin shakes his head and huffs disappointingly.

"Did you ever fly a hot air balloon?" He asks, as they approach a sign that says "Seoul's hottest fly"

"Sure I can use one to jump off and die," she rolls her eyes.

"How cute," he laughs. Faina gives him a look of disbelief. They get off and walk a few meters ahead.

"Is it ready?" He asks a man as soon as they reach there.

"Almost sir."

When the balloon finally takes off and paints them with a beautiful and picturesque view below them, Jimin speaks.

"Seems like it's not your first time," he says.

"Funny how you act like you know shit about me," she scoffs, looking down at the sight.

"Ok, let me get to the point," he starts. "You can't fall in love with me."

Faina's heart burns painfully when he utters the obvious. He didn't have to be that straight.

"This is business. No more, no less. There shouldn't be anything between us other than business. You made a deal with me and I leave as soon as it's over. As simple as that," he looks at her.

She takes a deep breath and turns to him. "Can't believe I signed up to be a whore," she smacks her lips.

"It was your choice," he shrugs.

"You have zero percent comforting levels so shut up and don't make it worse," she swipes her hair back in frustration. "Also the choice is something you forced me into," her eyes glisten.

"Come on don't cry and make it awkward," he throws his hands in the air.

"I'm a human and I have emotions. I'm allowed to cry," she sniffles.

"You should have thought about it before summoning me," he pulls her closer into an embrace.

"Don't touch me," she moves away.

He leaves her to cry. There isn't anything he can do about it anyway. He is simply taking care of his business and it's her fault to fall for him.

"What if I already did?" She looks at him with swollen eyes.

"You know the answer," he looks dead into her eyes.

"I don't know. You tell me."

"You are going to be heartbroken. Because I'll never love you. Ever."

She wishes that the fire above her head could burn her alive because that would be far less painful or even a thousand knife stabs would do.

Jimin is one manipulate bitch and I can't believe Faina likes him lmao. I'm sorry if the chapter seems short, this is what I could manage to squeeze in.

Likes and comments are much appreciated and fuel to my writing. If you like my work don't hesitate to support me by donating on my Kofi. Thanks 💕

Kofi link : https://ko-fi.com/manvitha_22

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