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"I Promise You Both That My Love For Him Is Going To Be More Than Enough For Loving Your Love... "


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Author's Pov

"I guess it's time we all go back to our home together and live a life which we should have started living 24 years ago


Everyone's mouth escaped an inaudible gasp where as Heaven's body startled hearing those words to uttered from Chaekook's mouth who stood on his ground and gazed at Taesin.

"We don't need to be away from our family anymore Tae specially because of our horrible past.. "

Chaekook blurted out making Heaven's heart beat to increased in fear when she darted her gazed towards Taesin whose eyes again darken while looking at Chaekook with his utmost dangerously calm look making her afraid because she knew his calmness at that time was more dangerous than anything..

And Suga noticed it too, so he got up and placed his hand over Chaekook's shoulder tried to ease the situation.

"Chaekook.. Calm down.. Don't stress think. Try to understand.. "

"No uncle Min... You're not understanding.. " He spoke halting Suga..

And Heaven knew Chaekook was angry too because she first time watched him loosing his patience around someone or something.

"Why we all still need to live a life like living under a rock ? It's been 24 years and we really need to walk pass our past.. We can't just hung on it for forever... "

Suga sighed hearing him and than Jimin got up too .

"Chaekook we know but... "

"No uncle Park now there's nothing left in our past,we need to move on for good because I know it's painful for everyone, more painful for Taesa and Taesin than any of us but why make it more hurtful than it already is... Why not to  .... "

"Because some pains are only meant to turn more hurtful with the passage of time Chaekook... "

Heaven's heart rate dropped hearing that deep and raspy voice to groaned while glaring at Chaekook with his gloomy cruel eyes..

Taesin gawked at Chaekook and than stood up from his chair

"Because some pains are never meant to get healed no matter what you do and did for them... "

Heaven felt like her heart clutched hearing his words and realising its actual meaning...

"But Tae... "

"Enough Kook... " Taesin growled with his hoarse voice making him to shut because everyone knew nothing was more worst than testing his patience .

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