Volume 1 - The power of the beans

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After Durak break ups with Banan he got ANGERY! durak go to school and says "Banan! here i got you a burrito!" It was no ordindary burrito it was a bean burrito! Banan love burrito so she GOBBLED AND CHOMPED WITH SOME INSIDES OF THE BURRITO SPILLING OUT FROM THE BOTTOM AND EVERYTHING GETTING MESSY AND EW. Banan was thankful to Durak. After all it was a good burrito. Banan started to walk home, she started to feel something..did she have butterflies in her waxy cuticle? what was this sensation? Banan got home. She go toilet, her sensation was changing from a wonderful to HORRIBLE feeling. She start the toilet. SHE START HAVING DIARHEA. ERRR she said. The diarhea was getting worse and worse. What type of burrito did Durak give her? It was to late to prevent the diarhea. The diarhea was now EXPLOSIVE. The toilet was filling up. The diarhea got so bad that Banan was propelled like a rocket and slammed on the door. She tried opening the door but it was locked. She SCREAMED and SCREECHED but no one could hear her because her bathroom was soundproofed. The bathroom started to flood with diarhea. The diarhea eventually got to her neck. She could swim in this diarhea. She panicked and decided to dive down into the toilet. She fell in the sewer. Her diarhea was so explosive she was flying. her ass was like a jettpack. She flew like superman out of the sewers. She was flying uncontrollably and spreading her diarhea all over everywhere. The diarhea was getting more and more explosive. She decided to orbit the earth. At this point she was flying so fast she only saw blurry. She saw Durak laughing at her and Banan got angery and picked him up. She wanted to get high up and DROP Durak and KILL him but she was now travelling at super speed. She got faster and faster. She lost control and was sent somewhere.
Banan looked around. she was no more at earth, she was in a black place. Banan was thankful, she understood her power. She finally controlled the power and the diarrhea stopped. She felt enlightened, powerful like a god. She is immortal. She noticed Durak couldnt survive in this black place and sent Durak back to earth. Durak was at earth, angry that he had created a creature of unimaginable power of diarhea. He will get his revenge..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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