It Could Ruin Our Friendship

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*Dinah's POV*

I can't believe Camila and Ally like each other and didn't even think to tell me, especially Camila, my Chancho, I thought we told each outer everything but apparently that's not the case. "Hey Dinah!" Camila said cheerily. "Hi, Camila." I replied bluntly. "Cheechee, what's wrong?" She asked with a tilt of the head. "Nothing." "Cheechee, come on I can read you like an open book." She said not believing my previous statement.

"Fine, you know what! I just can't believe that you told LAUREN about your crush and not me!" I yelled. "DJ, calm down I-" "NO, I thought we told each other everything, but I guess I was wrong!"

"Di-" "No, just don't talk to me!" I screamed walking away from her. "Dinah, please." She said with tears streaming down her face. "I said DON'T talk to me!" I said not caring that she was crying and walking through the doorway.

*Ally's POV*

I heard Dinah and Camila yelling, but couldn't quite make out what they were saying. The screaming had ceased and Dinah stormed out of the room with an angry look on her face.

Dinah didn't even bother to look at me, so I became worried.

When I walked into the room I saw Camila crying. "Camila, sweetie, what happened between you and Dinah. You guys hardly ever fight, yano unless it's playful." I asked worriedly.

*Camila's POV*

Ally came in after the fight between Dinah and I to ask if I was okay, but I couldn't tell her hat the fight was about because if she knew it could ruin our ENTIRE friendship. "It was nothing Allycat, just a misunderstanding is all." I replied not looking her in the eyes.

"Mila, I know you like the back of my hand, and that was NOT 'nothing' so tell me the truth." She said sternly putting a finger under my chin so I looked at her.

"Well, um..." "Cami. The REAL answer." "Ok, ok, well the truth is..."

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