Chapter five : Big Man

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Guess who's not dead

This guyyyyy 👍

I actually figured out why I couldn't write this

I was in my drawing arc

But now (hopefully) I'm back for a while, I seem to switch a lot between wanting to write and wanting to draw, but sadly it seems my drawing months are over for now.

I'll miss you .,_,.

But yay you get more angst you beautiful gremlins


Ranboo was going to Phil's house.

As the blood god-turned-hoglin quietly followed the enderman hybrid across the nether, he thought about a plan. What was he supposed to do when he saw Phil?

  Be nicer than you've ever been you're entire life, Phil wouldn't kill something that isn't a threat, surely.

He sighed. His mind was so quiet without the voices. They were so helpful with things like this.

He didn't have much time to think about it, though, because by this time a purple glow caught his eye. He looked up.

Ranboo looked as if he was preparing himself for the travel between dimensions. Meanwhile, Techno had hidden himself behind a large slab of nether brick, presumably placed by another player.

Techno watched the young enderman hybrid fade into the purple swirls, then slowly followed suit.

The cursed hoglin squeezed his way through the portal, ignoring the jumpy feeling his stomach got. On the other side was the blistering cold of the snow biome.

Phil's POV  (help idk where I'm going with this I'm just doing what my brain tells me)

Phil paced across Techno's carpeted floor, awaiting Ranboo's arrival. He had stashed his oldest son's belongings in the "sub room," where his oldest son kept his subscriber bell.
They'd be safe there.

If he was being honest, he had no idea where to start with this. Looking, he meant. Techno's stuff, in the middle of the nether. The pigeon hybrid nowhere to be seen. No message, no leads to where he could be.

What if he'd been kidnapped? What if-

The old man's thoughts were interrupted by a knocking noise. Must be Ranboo.

Phil made his way to the front door of Techno's house, the door creaking when it opened. There stood an unsettled looking Ranboo.

Phil dipped his head and gestured for the teen to come inside.

Ranboo got comfortable on the couch while Phil set up the fire, finally sitting down himself once it was blazing in the fireplace.

Ranboo coughed quietly, getting the older man's attention.

"You alright?" Phil asked. Ranboo made a face, tilting his head slightly.

"I don't know. I felt like I was being followed on the way here," he paused, then shook his head, "it's probably just the news about Techno. This all feels so-... weird?" He sighed, and Phil nodded at him.

The two briefly caught up with each other before discussing the situation. Phil made them both drinks, hot chocolate for Ranboo and tea for himself. The winged man sat down in his chair once again, now with one of his crows by his side, and cleared his throat.

"We know Techno isn't dead," he started, with Ranboo (as well as the crow) staring at him intently, "his things were scattered across a lava grid in the middle of a bastion way out in the nether. What do you think we should do?"

Ranboo furrowed his brow, lowering his mug. Phil's crow hopped onto his head, and the old man huffed. It was a moment before he said anything, but when he did, he looked back at Phil again.

"Maybe we should go back to the bastion? Check if there's anything you missed?" He suggested. Phil nodded. The crow that now sat on his head cawed happily as it bobbed up and down.

"That's a good idea. I wasn't exactly looking anywhere else but at Tech's things when I thought he'd died." Phil said dryly. Ranboo cleared his throat quietly.

A silence filled the room for a few awkward moments, before being broken by the crow's shrill call. Both of the men jumped in their seats. Phil raised his hand, letting the bird perch on his forearm.

"We should get going, then. Do you have gear? You're going to need it." Said Phil. Ranboo hummed and nodded.
"I thought so," he said, before showing Phil a shining netherite helmet. "I have a full set, and I even brought a couple of healing potions... just in case."


The duo had left after gearing up with armor, tools, and a different arrange of potions. They were about ten minutes out from the house, traveling towards the nether portal.

"What do you think happened to Techno... I mean- if you had to guess..?" Said Ranboo. Phil thought for a moment.

"Kidnapped, maybe, as unlikely as it seems. Techno wouldn't just leave his things in the middle of the nether unless it was his life on the line."

Ranboo stared at his feet while he walked after that.

—————A bit later idk—————

All was silent except for the crunching of snow between the two lads' feet as they walked through the snowy forest. It was a comfortable silence, both of them engulfed in their own thoughts. Both of them thinking about Technoblade.


Ranboo perked his head up.
"Did you hear that..?"

Phil dragged his gaze across the forest around them, keeping silent.

"Phil-m-?" Ranboo was cut off when a hand covered his mouth. Phil made a sign for him to be quiet, and the enderman hybrid nodded nervously.


Phil's axe materialized into his hand, and he turned in slow circles, one arm against Ranboo as he looked out for whatever was circling them.

. . . //Ranboo's POV//

"Ranboo," Phil whispered, "when you told me you were being followed, I don't think it was just a feeling.." Ranboo frowned.

Both of them tensed, weapons in hand, as the footsteps got closer, until a large silhouette was visible underneath the shadows of the trees.

"What the hell is that.." said Phil. The animalistic figure stepped out from under the tree cover.

A... Hoglin?

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