||/\|| Comrade! ||/\||

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🍁|| My eyes fluttered open to the suprise of somebody staring at me.
I quickly jumped up in shock, I hadn't expected somebody to be there infront of me.
"Woah there comrade I'm not gonna hurt you-!"
I sharply stared at him, "And you are?"
"Oh I'm Tartaglia, code name Childe! The elevnth of the Fatui harbingers, pleased you make your acquaintance."
I brushed the dirt off of myself, still trying to process what had just happened.
"My name is Kazuha, wait Fatui-?!"
I grabbed my arm in pain, most likely from when I fell onto it before I passed out yesterday.
How did I even end up here?

Oh yeah..
"What happened to your arm there?"

"Oh, this? It isn't much it's just a little pain I'll be fine no need to waste your time on me." I replied while holding back hisses of pain.
The harbinger grasped my other arm tightly.
"I am not waisting my time on you though I'm a bit concerned for you, you've been here for about four hours I'd say."
I lifted my head up to look at the sky, the sun had only just began to rise.
"So you're a Fatui?"

"Heh I mean if we're being exact I'm the eleventh Fatui Harbinger. I go by a couple names you're free to call me any of them."

I stared at his eyes, why were they so.. lifeless? I didn't want to be rude or a burden so I tried not to cause more pain for myself by moving my arm.

"What's your story Tartaglia?"

"Are you really that interested in a Harbingers life? I'm flattered."

"Fatui Harbinger.. just like him." I had carelessy whispered while cuddling my knees to my chest.

He turned around and locked his eyes onto me,
"Did you say something?"

"Oh, no don't worry I mean if I did say something It'd be boring anyways."

"You're quiet the selfless guy huh Kazuha?"

I sat there quietly without knowing how to respond.
"People think that?"

"You literally showed me that your arm was in pain and continued to say it was a waste of time Kazuha."

I stared at my arm,
"Because it most likely is, I can leave if you'd like I wouldn't want to cause any more inconvenience towards you."
I slowly stood up, using the large rock besides me to regain my balance before I'd start walking.

<<403 words>>
<<I know I suck at writing this is basically just a vent for me->>

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