Don't ask me if I'm ok, that's a dumb question.

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Deku's POV:

"Hey Shou, do you think you're going to throw up again?" I asked, in a soft tone, hoping that my calling him Shou (short for Shoto) would somehow help calm his nerves.

Leaning in closer I brushed Todoroki's hair away, slightly raising his head, and meeting his gaze for just a second, then it clicks in my mind. He's gonna-! I can't even finish my thought because Todoroki began to fall forward just then.

Todoroki's worn eyes closed and his whole body went limp. I quickly caught Todoroki before his head hit the ground.

Supporting the weight of Todoroki's unconscious body, I brought him closer to me and kept him on his side. I'm so sorry that all of this is happening to you Shou, but please be okay. I'm here.

"Did he just pass out?!" Uraraka asked, shocked and confused.

I was too enveloped in Todoroki to answer her question.

Iida rushed back into the stadium and called out "She's on her way over as we speak!"

"Good but go back and tell her that the situation has worsened, Todoroki passed out!" Mr. Aizawa explained, gesturing with his eyes over to Todoroki laying on my lap unconscious.

"I'll be right back!" Iida proclaimed, racing back out the doors.

Mr. Aizawa then turned back to me and asked, "Does it look like he'll be waking up anytime soon?" With urgency.

"I don't know." I replied. What could have made him so sick all of the sudden? Where is Recovery Girl?

~a few minutes passed~

Mr. Aizawa is contacting Present Mic about taking the class with him while Todoroki is being taken care of, but I'm not going to leave him. 

I've been sitting here for a few minutes now and all I can think about is him. What's going through his head? How can I help him? Is he in pain as he's sleeping right now?

Suddenly the stadium doors swing open, and Recovery Girl runs over to me. "What happened here?" Recovery Girl inquired, in an agitated tone.

"I don't know, we noticed something was wrong when he had already fallen on his knees and his whole body was trembling." I explained.

Recovery Girl carefully searched for the reason why Todoroki was in pain and after her examination she declared "This is not as much of a physical injury, as it is mental.", looking sternly into my eyes.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

It was me...It must have been the sound of the collision between Denki, Mina, and I! With my realization I called out "He might've seen me get hit a few minutes ago, while we were sparring."

"That could have easily done it, especially if Todoroki heard or saw you in pain." Recovery Girl explained to me, looking somewhat irritated by the situation.

"So... this is my-..." I said quietly trailing off into thought. Todoroki would've been fine if I was just focusing on sparring instead spacing out.

"He's waking up!" Recovery Girl informed.

"Hey Shou!" I exclaimed softly, as my smile began to return. Todoroki's head gently stirred, his hair covered his eyes, and his expression changed from emotionless, to confused, to tired.

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