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"Why the fuck are we tied up?" I asked the blonde man who was sat in the seat separating me and my sister. He huffed, keeping his eyes on the front of the car as he had for the past two hours, refusing to answer our questions.

"Hey," I nudged him with my shoulder making him wince and glare in my direction, "Where are we going dickhead?"

The tension in the car was rising with each passing hour, my arms were bound behind my back and my ankles were tied together.

"You're lucky you're not fucking gagged too." Emilio snapped, looking back at me from the passenger seat. "If you'd have come quietly we'd have let you ride like a normal person, but since you decided to try and give us the slip you'll be treated like a prisoner until we deem you trustworthy."

I rolled my eyes, shutting my mouth for the time being. He turned around for the remainder of the journey, it was helpless, there wasn't a single thing I could do to talk myself out of this situation. Cindy was whimpering in the seat beside the blonde man, she was more afraid than I was, she hated this side of my fathers business, she hated the things that came with it. She had dreams of having a happy family, a safe and happy family, with normal lives, but in a split second any glimmer of hope had been ripped away from her.

If only my fucking legs moved faster.

The car eventually pulled up in a gated driveway. Men lined the perimeters, they were fully armed and watching our every move. We were entering a fortress.

I was suddenly dragged from my seat and flung over a hard shoulder. I was carried into the building and taken to a room where I was thrown down.

Finally I got a chance to look up at the man who'd brought me in.
"Alvarez you'd better untie me right now."

His jaw stiffened as he bent down, looking me directly in the eye. His expression was cold and unnerving, there was no way of telling what was going on in his mind. He chuckled under his breath before taking a step backwards towards a chair in the corner of the room. I took a moment to look around, I was in a bedroom.

The room was large, with a king sized bed in the centre, the walls were fairly bare and the room was harsh and unloving albeit luxurious. A large crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, cascading light across the room.

This fucker had better not lay a finger on me.

"But you look so pretty tied up like that." He tilted his head, smirking as he teased me.

"Very funny." I spat, "Now untie me."

He shrugged, snapping his fingers as the blonde man and another man Id never seen before entered the room, untying my ropes. I rubbed my weeping wrists, motherfuckers got me good.

"This is Ronaldo," Emilio stood up, placing a hand on the man I'd never seen before's shoulder, "He and David here will take care of you for the time being."

He stepped towards me, grabbing my jaw harshly in his left hand.

"No funny business, Luna." He shoved me backwards, sending me tumbling onto the bed.

He left the room, slamming the door behind him, leaving me with Ronaldo and David.

Ronaldo winked at me. This man was built like the hulk, he was fucking huge. His dark hair was spiked up slightly, and he wore a playful expression on his round face.

EmilioWhere stories live. Discover now